Tuesday, March 29, 2016

So many Subways--which ones go WHERE?

It is March  27, 2016---Good morning and Happy Easter!! We are on the Subway trying to get to the Ward we have been assigned to by our Temple Pres and the Stake Pres. It is not a "straight" shot so we are truly "praying" we are going the right way!! Elder Mumford is a good navigator and has the NY Subway App on his phone so I am in good hands❣We, after a discussion between our Temple Pres and the Stake Pres Glass, of the Woodside Stake--have been asked to attend the Rego Park 1st Ward-- which is in Queens. We were told a few different ways to get there by Subway and walking. So Saturday afternoon (yesterday) we "set out" to find how long it would take us to just get to the right Subway--20 minutes by foot. Then following the maps in the Subway itself and with the Subway App--we thought we had it figured out. Well-- this morning--first of all, we changed our plan ( or Elder Mumford did) and we went to a Subway station closer to our Apt  and got on the - 1 train--to Times Square and 42nd St. Got off to catch the R train-- but when we inquired "where" to catch it-- Subway personnel told us "You can't"-- due to construction it isn't running from here today". So they told us to get on any of the trains going  Uptown ( which actually means "maybe just to us" Downtown) and go 1 stop and get off at Herald Square. Which we did and then we finally got on the R train which was running this morning on the M track line-- and tho' it was a "milk run"--stopping several times-- we finally made it to our Subway stop destination where we got off and walked about a 1/4 mile to get to the Church. We got there at 9:03 but the Sac Mtg didn't start right on time so we figured we weren't late! We enjoyed a wonderful Block of meetings-- this Ward is quite DIVERSE. Elder Mumford said that in his Priesthood class--there were 10 men--and he didn't think of them were from the same Country!!--I didn't find Relief Society quite like that! We didn't get much of a chance to talk with the Bishop--Bishop Blanchard--as he was doing a 'solo' with both of his Counselors out of town for Easter. So, hopefully, in 2 weeks ( after Gen Conf and their Stake Conf) we will get a feel for what he'd like us to spend some time on. We had a good Subway ride back to Manhattan and got off on 5th Avenue and enjoyed an 🎶"Easter Parade of 'Easter Bonnets with all the frills upon it'" Apparently every Easter the City blocks off 5th Ave to traffic for a few hours and people come and stroll down theAvenue. It was interesting to see. We got a few pics of some of the people and their hats. We walked through the southern part of Central Park and returned home to have a scrumptious Easter Dinner with our Temple Pres and his wife, Steven and Marjorie Bennion along with the other new Temple couple, John and Shellie Harris and the 2 Senior Sister Missionaries--Kathy Thompson and Janece Wilson. We so enjoyed being with them and hearing of some of their "life experiences"!!  Later we "Facetimed" with some of the Family and went to bed richly blessed by our love of the Savior and Family and our knowledge of the beautiful meaning of Easter--that HE LIVES and BECAUSE HE DOES--then WE WILL LIVE AGAIN,TOO!!

From hill looking down into Rego Park

Another view of Rego Park--behind the Church


--they are Everywhere

Easter bonnets on 5th Avenue 




Elder Mumford on "bridge" over RR tracks behind Rego Park Church 

More Easter Parade

Waiting for the Subway

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