Tuesday, March 22, 2016

First day "in" the Manhattan Temple

After our first day in our NY mission field we find ourselves asking, "Are we in Heaven?"
We were treated to a wonderful meal after our arrival, with John and Shellie Harris (Bountiful), by President and Sister Bennion.
We were set apart as ordinance workers and oriented this morning and because of the needs, remained and served most of a shift, and learned only at the end that after our orientation the couples on Saturday are expected to go home and to start next Tuesday.
But this allowed us to serve and also see Kara and Arlo Westin (Kara is Hollie's sister)- great treat.
We love the McKenna couple from LV, Nev, who are to make sure we learn and not mess up too badly.
Got a few things for the apartment which is quite spacious and nicely furnished. We had a "morning visit" from Terry and Melba (Agaki) Grimley (she and Mom knew each other in HS). They are serving here also--since Sept 2015-and wanted to Welcome us!! They told us that ours and some of the other Missionary apartments just got new furniture in dining room, living room--and it is lovely!!
The fridge and panty was stocked with enough and more for our first days to be easier.
We are a little tired but very happy.
Bless you all for your kindnesses, faith and prayers in our behalf in our departure efforts.
Our prayers are with Marc and Brad in the heavy work these past 6 weeks. Bless you all. Dad ( and Mom)
Our first night in New York--at "Il Violino's" with Pres and Sister Bennion and John and Shellie Harris

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