Sunday, April 3, 2016

Serving Him daily

It is Friday, April 1---The work and the Mission are already "flying by"!! We have been in New York a full 2 weeks and are loving those with whom we serve, those "whom" we serve and where we serve. Sister Mumford (writing) really loves the Spanish workers that we serve with on Saturdays-- they are so humble and kind and greet me with a kiss on the cheek. There are 3 or 4 sessions in Spanish on that day so we are really BUSY!! Wish I knew how to say more than a greeting-- I think that is something I'll work on๐Ÿ˜˜. There have been many instances where "serving the needs of the one" have been so evident. I was the Follower (Sister counterpart to the Officiator) on a session where we only had 1 brother and 1 sister IN the session-- but we did it and then had extras from the Temple worker to be ready to help at the end of the session. It was a sweet experience!!
Each new day is truly that--NEW!! We don't know from day to day where we will be needed or assigned--there are Coordinators from among the "local" temple workers who have the assignment of scheduling us each day. It's quite fun, actually, to get there and see where we will be needed that day.
We have truly found that "it"s a small world" applies here in the Manhattan Temple too! We serve with a Brother and Sister Goo who are Missionaries here--and he was President of the Hong Kong Temple and also served in Laie Hawaii Temple as well as worked at BYU-Hawaii--where many years ago (30+) he served as Carolyn Cummings Rounds' Bishop while she was a student there. Long story short--when the Rounds' daughter, Brittany was married in the Laie Temple--through some tender mercies Elder Goo got word from his daughter that the Rounds family was in Hawaii for this sealiing--and when the Rounds' got to the temple that morning--there was Elder Goo, dressed in white--waiting for them and ready to perform the sealing.
Just today. a sweet Sister kept checking my nametag--and finally she said "Do you know an Elder Mumford who served in Jamaica years ago?" I said, YES!! My nephew Travis was there." Her name is Vivette Tinglin--but she said he'd know me by Suzy Tinglin and he served in their Branch in Portmoor (sp). She said he ate at their home lots and "we just loved him"!!! He used to call her mother Sister T.  She is a special young woman with some physical limitations--but her heart is a big as the moon!! And she laughed heartily when I said "Jamaica, mon--and Cool runnings"!!My heart was lighter because of faithful people I know and the paths that have crossed with those I am blessed to serve with here!!
After our shift ended--we were invited to go to a local burger shop--"Nick's Burgers--by 2 other Temple Missionary couples--the Buchanans and the Calls--both of whom are "seasoned" in Missionary Service and great leaders here. We had a great time!!

It is now Sunday, April 3--and I just need to add one more thing to this Post. We had such a good time at Nick's Burger place--that we decided to go back for lunch after the morning session of Gen Conference (which we loved and enjoyed watching on our laptop in our apartment), Well we walk inside and from a small seating area kind of hidden at the front of this little "diner" we hear a voice and see a familiar face--Terry and Melba Grimley are there and tell us to come sit with them. The Grimley's are also Temple Missionaries and Melba was a classmate of mine (Carol) at Jordan High School and have been serving here since September 2015. She was Melba Akagi from Draper and she found out from Brenda (Vawdrey) Crowther (another Jordan HS classmate) that we had been called here.  So she made contact with me last November and has just been the biggest blessing/help to us as we planned on what we needed to bring and then since we have gotten here--she and Terry have been great helpers and friends!! We just love them!! so--we have a picture with them to celebrate "Nick's"--their first time there too.
Ron and Carol with Melba and Terry Grimley

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