Monday, March 7, 2016

". . . . . da, da, da, da ,da-aw Start Spreadin' the News . . . . .we're leaving . . . this week"

March 6, 2016

This Blog has been created to commemorate/celebrate the full-time mission of Ron and Carol Mumford to the New York Manhattan Temple.  This is an exciting time for the Mumford family as the original call date of May 16, 2016 has been moved up almost 2 months to March 15, 2016.  Need we say there is a "flurry of activity" going on in this household!  Yet it is a very exciting time as the "WAIT" (which has been from September 26, 2015 when the Call was opened in front of all family members--either in person or via internet) is OVER!! They will depart for Salt Lake City on Monday, March 14th to be ready for three days of Training in the Salt Lake Temple and then fly out to New York City that Friday, March 18th to begin their service.  The Mumfords have been told THEY CANNOT BRING THEIR CAR--as there is such limited and expensive parking/garaging places nearby. So they will need to Walk, Run or Learn to navigate the City's public transportation system--aka Bus, Subway or if you're feeling kinda rich, Taxi.  We have no doubts that we can learn to do this quite well--Carol being extremely confident in. . . . . .Ron's ability to figure this system out!!
We are so anxious and excited to do this--we have heard it is a great place to serve! Our family has been so supportive and we know they will continue to be so.  We have been to New York City            and Manhattan a few times--but as Visitors---now we become Residents--for 18 months.  There is a 37-story apartment building right behind the Manhattan Temple which will become our home.  Some tell us it is 75+ steps to the Temple from one direction and 84 steps from another.  WOW!! That will sure beat our 45-50 minute car ride to the Logan Temple where we have been serving the last few years.  AND--we won't have to worry about hitting a DEER!! Small yet important things for which to be thankful.

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