Sunday, March 20, 2016

MTC (in Salt Lake Temple) is finished--Now we head to Manhattan Temple

March 17, 2016
We finished our wonderful MTC Training and said "Good Bye" to 11 other couples who are going to Temples throughout the world--but not BEFORE we were able to get a picture of our group after we left the Temple Thurs afternoon. We had in our group another Couple--John and Shelly Harris ( or should I say Elder and Sister Harris--yes I should) and we did not say Good Bye because they are coming to New York Manhattan Temple, too!! We have enjoyed getting to know them and are excited to be serving closely with them in New York!! Sister Harris has endured some major "health issues" after she thought she was going into the hospital for some "minor" surgery-which resulted in a 4-month hospital stay!! She says she is doing well and should be 100% given another month. Grateful to be serving with faithful people like this!!
We were able to see MOFF ( on Wed evening) and Bryce and family this evening-- to grab a bite to eat and say "Good Bye" one more time. PARTING IS HARD!!! But we are Ready to go!!
We DEPART for NYC very early in the morning.

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