Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sweet Sabbath--March 13, 2016

 We had such a sweet service today! Our chapel was filled with people we love and appreciate you coming to be with us. Besides the talks that Ron and I gave – – our two newest grandbabies Quincey Carol Mumford and Miles Duke Mumford, were blessed by their dads. After sacrament meeting, Ron and I were set apart as full-time missionaries by our wonderful stake president, Pres. Dax Keller. It was so sweet to have all of our family there plus extended family and friends. I wish I could have recorded the blessings that were pronounced for they truly are beautiful. Then we had lunch at Linc and Hollie's home. There were 87 people there at about the same time and we didn't even feel"squished"!! Thanks Linc and Hollie for a terrific job of hosting!! (Oh I almost forgot Fielding--he was ordained a Deacon by his Dad, Lincoln-- just before Ron and I were set apart). I think I have received 20+ hugs today from just McKay (10), (one of Duke's boys) telling me that my talk was good and how much he's going to miss me/us.. It zWill be hard to "pull out" tomorrow!!!--
Duke and Kate's family
Sef and Katie's family
Precious Noah and Grammy
Carol's BFF Deonna Fuller and husband. Neil
Moff. with Mom and Dad

 "Grands" blessed today--Miles Duke and Quincey Carol

Bryce & Lissa's family
Bryce and Lissa's family 

Our "Kids"

Carol and her Goff brothers--Mike, Blaine and Ralph

Carol, Deonna and Moff with the "Deonna quilt" that will travel to the Mission with Carol
Marcus and Michelle's family

Grammy and Papa with Fielding and Max

Lincoln and Hollie's family
"Hanging" with Lisa and kids
Marcus, Michelle and JoDee Cook

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