Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Another day of wonderful training in the Salt Lake Temple. Time is really"flying" and it is kinda "bittersweet"! The sooner our MTC experience is Done-- the sooner we get to leave for New York City!--BUT--we have met some wonderful people-- who will be going in all directions to begin their service. Our training is being led by the former President of the Salt Lake Temple--Bro Claron Alldredge and his wife--Sister Lillian S Alldredge (her mother was a General R S. President, Barbara B Smith) and she is so good at augmenting the points Pres Alldredge brings out. Both Alldredges are good at getting us to comment on the various Training videos--which I had seen at some point in my training--but Elder M had not. We are being trained from both the Ordinance worker/Missionary perspective AND the Patron's perspective. Neat neat ideas and thoughts being shared!! The Ordinance workers in the Salt Lake Temple have been so nice and 2 even know our Temple President-- President Steve Bennion--and have expressed how much we are going to love he and  Sister Bennion. Well got to go read the Safety Tips on Travel booklet we'll be quizzed on tomorrow😄😅.

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