Tuesday, March 15, 2016

First "real day" as Elder and Sister Mumford

Just Finished our 1st day of our "MTC Experience" in the Salt Lake Temple. It was so good!! There are 13 Temple Missionary couples-- heading to all parts of the world--Johannesburg, London, Cochabamba, Boston, Domenican Republic, Central America, Nauvoo and Manhattan. Oh and a very faithful Japanese couple-- this will be their 8th mission--heading to Washington, D.C.We were part of several training sessions conducted by special people from the Temple Missionary dept plus a choice visit from a Counselor in the Salt Lake Temple Presidency and his wife. We are truly being spiritually fed and we have thoroughly enjoyed it!  Our last presentation of the day was in the Family History dept--from the Director there--a very dynamic Bro. Rockwood. He knows his stuff!! He told us that the Youth are truly leading out in Temple name submissions as also are converts. He talked to us about all the areas where we are heading and gave some very amazing statistics about the percentages in regards to those who are submitting and doing names for temple work. In some areas ( So Africa, London and Manhattan) he shared numbers around 260%!! Incredible!!This Latter-Day work truly is HASTENING and it's so exciting.

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