Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another 'first'--Our First Sunday as Missionaries

A "first" Sunday--Manhattan 1st Ward was packed!! Pres Bennion looked around the congregation, and upon seeing so-o-o many Visitors--he quietly pronounced "The tourist season has begun!" Many areas are beginning their Spring Break and that brings people to NYC in droves! (We are truly hoping to be assigned to a Ward or Branch in an outlying area of the Stake, to support a Church Unit that might need our help more).
We so enjoyed being in our meetings and being taught by so many great people and teachers. After meetings we went back to our Apartment and, after figuring out how to use our gas oven, (you just need 'patience' for the flame to start) enjoyed some of the food "stocked" in our fridge by all the Temple Missionaries serving here!! Then we dressed warmly and enjoyed a walk in Central Park!! It was so FUN. Many many people take advantage of this wonderful "green space" in this megalopolis--both young and old.
Later we were invited to the David and Julie Colton apartment to enjoy dinner with them and the 2 Sister Missionaries serving in the Manhattan 1st Ward and a young man who works with the UN, from Spain, Felipe Queipo ( he is also a member of the Church). One of Brad's Best friends while in Law School at ASU was Dan Colton--who is David Colton's son. Bro Colton saw Dad's Missionary Badge and thought maybe he would "know" of Brad--not even thinking that he'd be his dad!! Such a small world!! The Coltons are here serving as Government Affairs Missionaries--working with LDS Charities and the UN. It was a very nice evening--thanks Brad, for your friendship with such fine people!! We ended our Sunday with a brief visit to the Grimley's for more help and info about the "ins and outs" of living/being in New York. Truly a Good Sabbath!!

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