Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Another "1st"-- P-Day Activity to UN

Our Group

Group photo inside one of the Assembly rooms
Upon entering the UN arean

Entering UN area ( note the scripture)

                                                 Inside Grand Central Station

At Carmine's restaurant

Queens Burroughs Bridge from UN window

Mosaic from Nancy Reagan.

One of the Assembky rooms"

MONDAY, MARCH 21st, found us on our "1st P-Day Activity" with the other Senior Missionary couples serving in Manhattan Temple.  And a few extras serving in family history and this mission's doctor. We have a group leader, Paul Rogers and his wife Mindie-- Who plan these activities for the
missionaries. It was a very interesting trip to the United Nations. We rode the subway to Grand Central Station (yes, the 'famous one you hear about in movies) and then we walked down to the UN complex. Security is tight but we had a 'reservation'--so we got through quite quickly. It had been raining earlier that morning--so the flags of all the nations had not been posted--that would have been quite the sight!! Felipe Queipo met us ( Dad and I had met him the night before) and then he took us to meet our Guide--who was very knowledgeable about the UN and its mission. We were there about 90 minutes and then Felipe took us and we had a great meeting with him for 30-45 minutes. He is involved with NGO's (non-govermental organizations) about the family. Marcus would know all about these as he was involved with Richard Wilkins during Law School and I think I remember he actually came to the UN. Very wonderful meeting!
Left there to go to a great Italian restaurant, Carmine's, for a "family-style" meal together. Got to meet all the Missionaries we serve with plus the Mission doctor and his wife--Elder Sergei and Sister Linda Martinez, the Lillies who are Family History Missionaries ( they live on Staten Island) and the Huntingtons, who are CES Missionaries. Great people, Great Day. I have a few pics of the day

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