Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Central Park--a thing of BEAUTY--worth walking to (and back--almost 5 miles)

Monday, April 18, 2016
We had a "sighting" on Sunday from a fellow Missionary who told us THIS was something we didn't want to miss. The Conservatory Gardens at the northeast end of the park were in full bloom-- maybe on the last few days of perfect beauty. So-- we got up this morning and decided we'd WALK there for our exercise today. Beautiful warm day!! I started out with a light jacket and very soon it was tied around my waist!! It was about 62 at 10:00 am--and just got warmer!! The Park is just the BEST place to walk-- so many paths that you really need a "sense of direction" if you are trying to get somewhere specific OR just don't want to end up LOST!! Sister Mumford has to be really careful NOT to go too far--she does NOT want to be the object of a SEARCH!!
So Elder Mumford charted our course this morning--and we walked . . . and walked--it was glorious!!  We found the gardens--there are actually 3 of them--the French Garden which is full of magnificent red and purple tulips; the Italian Garden that has all the flowering trees--cherry blossoms and flowering crab trees; and the English Garden which has an assortment of flowers and trellis'. It was a sight!! ( except with it being a "workday--the Park groundskeepers were out everywhere--doing their jobs--but kinda "messing up our pics with their vehicles, etc. 😒).   So hope you can see by these pics --which don't really do it justice--how lovely it was!! We finished up our walk by stopping for breakfast/brunch at Effy's Cafe which is a Mediterranean-type of food (not our favorite)-- but good nonetheless--and then walked back home. Over 5 miles clocked!! YES it is good to be healthy enough to get around New York City sites on foot!! LOVIN' it!! And the last few pics in this Post were taken in a different part of Central Park on another "🎼Walk in the Park" on April 20th with another Missionary Friend--Sister Kathy Thompson. I've said it before and I'll say it again--CENTRAL PARK IS BEAUTIFUL--at least RIGHT NOW!!
Overlooking the Gardens at the Conservatiry

Unusual white/yellow buttercups

The blossoms were AWESOME!!

Entrance to French Garden 

The French Garden with Italian Garden in the distance 

French Garden with these colorful tulips 

Can't get enough of these tulips!!

English Gardens with their variety of flowers


Elder Mumford and Balto---to the Rescue!! 

More English Garden

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