Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our lovely yet cozy New York apartment 4E

Living room by soft morning light

Elder Mumford's "favorite chair"

The Entry

The dark wood piece is a "pantry" we just got from the Church about 2 weeks ago

I am not sure what I was expecting in regards to our apartment when contemplating our Mission here. Not having lived in an apartment since we were newlyweds and moved to the basement apartment at Crawford Place-- just off State Street ( down from the old Jordan High School and the Center Drive-in) in Sandy, Utah--I was so amazed and pleased when Pres and Sister Bennion opened the door to our apartment here and led us in!! Wow--I was almost in tears!! The Church's " subsidy" of  these particular apartments for the Temple Missionaries living here at 2 Lincoln Center apartment building is substantial!! It is so wonderful to be so close to the Temple!! It's not "spacious" but it is furnished nicely and we feel safe here. We have 2 "Doormen" who open doors and greet us each day. They change 2 or 3 times throughout the day-- but are usually behind or by the front desk as we enter or leave. There are 37 floors to this apartment building-- those who have the "upper floors" 34-37--have had those apartments for a LONG time--most likely some of the first apartments to become available back in 1973 or 1974, which was about the time the Church bought the building and began its "RESCUE" of this area of Manhattan. Those upper apartments have great views of the City, the Hudson River and the Angel Moroni atop the Temple. And those "upper residents" are not likely to  sell or move from these apartments either. Think they know they have a "good thing" here!!

Lovely " Entertainment" center

Looking into kitchen from the "cut-out" in the dining room

Compact bathroom

Our bedroom "completed and complemented" with the lovely quilt by Deonna Fuller--my BFF!

Lovely new dining set

Living room-- with window that looks down on 66th Street to ABC television studio across the street.

My latest "finds"-- $5.00 flower bouquets at Lowes at closing time!!
Look at what we have on our couch--Thanks Missy!!!
We found this full-length mirror at Lowes too--great bargain for sure!! And Sister Mumford is VERY happy with it,,,


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