Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our "first" Farewell Dinner

Monday evening, April 25, 2016
We had a wonderful FHE with our Temple Presidency and Temple Missionaries plus the other Missionaries from Govt and Public Affairs, CES and Family History. This is a monthly gathering and this night it was also a "Farewell Dinner" for Elder Bob and Sister Tina Hosac. They will be leaving this Mission on May 11th--to return to their Home in Eagle, Idaho. They will be sorely missed!!! Both Elder Mumford and I have grown to love them dearly in our short 5 weeks here. The dinner was a wonderful "Idaho Potatoe Bar"--served to 36 of us. We met in the Ambassador Room--which is just off the wing of the Family History/Public Affairs area of the Temple/Chapel building. Heretofore--these kinds of gatherings have been in Pres and Sister Bennion's apartment--but our group is growing larger and may have to use this room more in the future. After the dinner --we were privileged to have a well-known LDS Artist--Brother Walter Ranes--share some of his thoughts/feelings about his paintings--many of which are on display throughout this Chapel and Famiy History Center. He has been "commissioned" on several occasions by the Church and by private individuals to paint many Book of Mormon series paintings and several New Testament and Life of Jesus Christ featured paintings. He is well-known for many of his paintings to appear throughout the Church magazines. Many of a this collection currently on display here are some of his favorites about the Book of Mormon. He ended his presentation with one of his favorites--one in which Moroni has found his father, Mormon, after one of the last battles in the Book of Mormon--and he is dead. It was an emotional painting for me to view, for sure and I want to go in the Chapel area and study it more. A most enjoyable evening!! But a real tear-jerker ending--as the tradition has become to sing the departing Missionaries a song. Always the same one---"Go In Peace"--such beautiful words and music. And then added this timel--by request from the Hosacs--"God Be With You 'til We Meet Again." I could hardly sing!! What a touching send off.!! There will be "many many more" of these in the future--I must get prepared to say Good-by. This Gospel of Jesus Christ is so wonderful and serving a Mission here is just so perfect. We LOVE it!! Included here is a picture of this wonderful group!!
 Back rows (in couples--l-r) the Hansons, Buchanans, Martinez, Mumfords, Harris, McKennas (side by side ) Calls, Coltons, Sister Wilson, Livingstons, Dranesfields, Elder Rogers (wife was ill) Grimleys;
Front row--Pres& Sis Bench, Pres& Sis Bennion, Bro & Sis Ranes, the Hosacs, Pres& Sis Bench

Here are some of Bro Walter Ranes' paintings that I mentioned above. Each picture has a "title--engraved on the frame and a scripture reference. The Sister Missionaries have done up something with that and I hope to get it from them.
Do you have a "favorite"??

Moroni discovers his father, Mormon, has been killed and now he is alone. This is a painting that caused me to weep

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