Monday, April 25, 2016

Oh, and by the way. . . ,

It has been another BUSY week and seems like time "🎼flies on wings of lightning, you cannot call it back"!! Sister Mumford got a Fitbit!! And a 10,000 step challenge from her daughter, Katie Marie!
 Do you know how many "miles" that is?? Well let me tell you--it is roughly about 4.2 miles. Now I can usually get in 2,000 steps in the temple ( as we are really encouraged to use the stairs between the 4th floor and the 5th--which some days involves A LOT of going up and down. So that leaves me to get the other 8,000 after we finish at the temple. Sometimes I go alone , other times my friend, Sister Kathy Thompson comes with and still others-Elder Mumford--helps me to " meet or exceed" this daily challenge.. It has been Great--except some days my back "rebels" from being pushed or I/we are found "pounding pavement " when we should be "finding zzzz's"!! Truly there IS a lot of sidewalk in NYC! On these walks I have "revisited" some old places and snapped a better or clearer picture--which I will now include:

Remember the Museum"pic" about this "Night at the Museum" site in the movie of the same name with Ben Stillers?? This is what it looks like in "daylight".

And this up closer!!

The "guys" in the Food Truck "the Casba" where you can get a great deal on a Middle Eastern meal--$5 or $6--which we have done a few times!! It is on the opposite corner of the street from our apartment building. It's been "voted" one of the BEST of its kind in the City!!

The front of the Plaza Hotel--a. NYC  icon!! Seen in lots of movies--many "Celebs and Dignataries" from foreign countries historically stay here. Out in front (you can't see them very well) arc flags representing all the countries where the Hotel Guests are from.. 

Just seeing a little "history"!!
TODAY--April 26th (2016) found us exploring to find a "Breakfast" place down in the area of PENN STATION (which is Mid-town Manhattan). We went inside Penn Station to see exactly where our Missionary friends--Greg and Wendy Rose (who are currently Elder and Sister Rose from the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission) will be coming in on Amtrak this Friday, April 29th, for a short visit with us and Bill and Christine Nelson (who will be here from SLC-in company with the Utah Symphony (Bill is on the Symphony Board) that have a "guest appearance" with another orchestra performing here. We are so excited to see them all!! So here are some pics of that area and environs.

St Francis of Assisi Church and School 

My friend, Kathy Thompson ( who is always up for a little exploring) and I outside PENN STATION


Love me some Flowers!!

Kathy and Elder Mumford

Elder and Sister Mumford inside PENN Station--it is a "happening" place!! Found out we could go to Boston from here!! . . . Hum. . . Sometime ???

This adventure continues daily!! Things are starting to look "familiar" to me so I may be able to start " venturing" out a little more on my walks. BUT I'll keep my cell phone with me--just in case I need to be "rescued"?

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