Sunday, April 17, 2016

So much to see . . .

The weather is beginning to "break" into (dare I say it) SPRING!! It's fun to go for a walk--especially in the sunshine. We get off our temple duties ( for another month) between 4 pm and 6 pm--depending on the day. Right now we are "day shift" and at end of May we will go to "evenings" for 3 months, etc. Somewith the nicer weather--I am trying to get back to my walking routine. Yesterday, it was beautiful--so I walked down by the Hudson River with a friend from the Temple--Sister Kathy Thompson. She's been here since August (2015) and knows a little more about the area--and good "walking routes and destinations". So we went to the River.  There were many bikers out too--so you have to be careful to stay in your "walking path" or you could get "run over" (seriously!!). Took a few pics --one that happens more than you'd think-- "strolling your . . . Dog!"

Looking across the Hudson to New Jersey

Many boats in the Harbor

Walking ??the dog??(we didn't know her--but couldn't resist this picture)
My friend told me if we went down the river aways-- we would be in the area of the "plane rescue" a few years ago that made the Pilot "Sulley" famous. And in the "boat area" is where some scenes from the movie "You've Got Mail" were filmed.

I imagine in the Summer months this area is "bustling"!

Water helps me feel "peace!!' I love watching  it.

I went "back" to the water the next day--but it was a little later than I wanted it to be--so I snapped a few pics of the Jersey skyline and came back--think I'll stick to daylight hours when I'm "on my own". (Elder Mumford much prefers the "gym" and exercise room on the 7th floor of our Bldg--so he goes there while I walk)

New Jersey "skyline" across the Hudson as the sun is setting

We had a very busy Saturday at the Temple so we were ready to "go out" with some of our friends. 
The Buchanans have been here since last August and they love to explore--so they are introducing us 
to some of their "finds and favorites"!! So we headed to "little Italy" for some great food (veal--done 
so-o many delicious ways and gelato--yum!!). It is so interesting how you can be in one "ethnic neighborhood" and turn the corner and you are in a completely different place--we went through Chinatown (with all its sights and "smells") to get to little Italy--so very interesting!! 
Elders Mumford and Buchanan "blazing" the trail that leads to Little Italy for us Sisters behind them

All kinds of mushrooms??

Sign in a window in Little Italy

Any one for Duck a l'orange for dinner?

The gelato stand--so good!!

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