Monday, April 18, 2016

Another "Wonderful Sabbath"

Sunday, April 17th, found us back in the Rego Park 1st Ward where we have been asked to attend during our time here in New York City. We have "been away" for 2 weeks due to General Conference and then Woodside Stake Conference last week. It was great to be back there! So many friendly faces and "welcomes". I think maybe they are starting to put together that we are going to be members of their Ward for the next 17 months now. I (Sister Mumford) was asked by a member of the RS Presc' to teach the lesson coming up on May 1st--from the Teachings of the Pres of the Church--Howard W Hunter manual. I was so excited to be asked!! Then we met a Bro Michael Buck, who is a Counselor in the Bishopric, after the Block was over, and he asked us to meet with him for a few minutes. Happily we did and were asked if we could accept a calling to teach a Sunday School class--youth, ages12-15--as a regular calling. YES!! This is something we have been waiting for!! Due to our work/service in the Temple--we can't do much more during the week--but we can help on Sundays--so we are so excited to get to know these youth and their parents and the other members of this Ward. We've decided that this is indeed a "happy" Ward from what we can tell so far. The members meet and greet with love and joy. Lots of diversity, too!! Then we ventured back to the Subway station, visiting with another Ward member who took the same train as we--But got off a few stops after. We are figuring out our Best route and were able to get there in about an hour this time. Things are starting to look "familiar" to me as we go back and forth to this area of Queens. 'Bout time, I'd say--you'd say!!😁😜
The days are getting warmer and the flowers are in full bloom!! We got off the Subway at 5th Avenue and 52nd Street and walked home via Columbus Circle and caught a few "colorful" scenes.

Statue of Christopher Columbus (near southern end of Central Park)

We enjoyed a meal after our meetings and then Elder Mumford got "back" into his latest Family History activity--discovering all kinds of "cousins" using Hopechest ( formerly known as Pandora's Hopechest) which searches your family lines and identifies in relatively short time (2-3 hours--to get 350+ names) those individuals that will now need to be checked, matched, merged, etc--to see if they are duplicates--and then print the cards for any temple work that still needs to be done. It still takes a lot of time-- but this program is amazing at how quickly it can check back through the family line you
assign it to do. And a big Thanks to Bryce and Lissa for help in "restoring" the Google Chrome we "lost" trying to remedy our Printer problem!! Tho' the printer is still not fixed--we do have the program's back that somehow "disappeared" somewhere along the way!! A-a-a-ah TECHNOLOGY!!-- Gotta love it!!! Were able to talk to some family--that is always Great--hope to catch the others "next week". Now THAT is technology we LOVE!!!

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