Tuesday, March 29, 2016

So many Subways--which ones go WHERE?

It is March  27, 2016---Good morning and Happy Easter!! We are on the Subway trying to get to the Ward we have been assigned to by our Temple Pres and the Stake Pres. It is not a "straight" shot so we are truly "praying" we are going the right way!! Elder Mumford is a good navigator and has the NY Subway App on his phone so I am in good hands❣We, after a discussion between our Temple Pres and the Stake Pres Glass, of the Woodside Stake--have been asked to attend the Rego Park 1st Ward-- which is in Queens. We were told a few different ways to get there by Subway and walking. So Saturday afternoon (yesterday) we "set out" to find how long it would take us to just get to the right Subway--20 minutes by foot. Then following the maps in the Subway itself and with the Subway App--we thought we had it figured out. Well-- this morning--first of all, we changed our plan ( or Elder Mumford did) and we went to a Subway station closer to our Apt  and got on the - 1 train--to Times Square and 42nd St. Got off to catch the R train-- but when we inquired "where" to catch it-- Subway personnel told us "You can't"-- due to construction it isn't running from here today". So they told us to get on any of the trains going  Uptown ( which actually means "maybe just to us" Downtown) and go 1 stop and get off at Herald Square. Which we did and then we finally got on the R train which was running this morning on the M track line-- and tho' it was a "milk run"--stopping several times-- we finally made it to our Subway stop destination where we got off and walked about a 1/4 mile to get to the Church. We got there at 9:03 but the Sac Mtg didn't start right on time so we figured we weren't late! We enjoyed a wonderful Block of meetings-- this Ward is quite DIVERSE. Elder Mumford said that in his Priesthood class--there were 10 men--and he didn't think of them were from the same Country!!--I didn't find Relief Society quite like that! We didn't get much of a chance to talk with the Bishop--Bishop Blanchard--as he was doing a 'solo' with both of his Counselors out of town for Easter. So, hopefully, in 2 weeks ( after Gen Conf and their Stake Conf) we will get a feel for what he'd like us to spend some time on. We had a good Subway ride back to Manhattan and got off on 5th Avenue and enjoyed an 🎶"Easter Parade of 'Easter Bonnets with all the frills upon it'" Apparently every Easter the City blocks off 5th Ave to traffic for a few hours and people come and stroll down theAvenue. It was interesting to see. We got a few pics of some of the people and their hats. We walked through the southern part of Central Park and returned home to have a scrumptious Easter Dinner with our Temple Pres and his wife, Steven and Marjorie Bennion along with the other new Temple couple, John and Shellie Harris and the 2 Senior Sister Missionaries--Kathy Thompson and Janece Wilson. We so enjoyed being with them and hearing of some of their "life experiences"!!  Later we "Facetimed" with some of the Family and went to bed richly blessed by our love of the Savior and Family and our knowledge of the beautiful meaning of Easter--that HE LIVES and BECAUSE HE DOES--then WE WILL LIVE AGAIN,TOO!!

From hill looking down into Rego Park

Another view of Rego Park--behind the Church


--they are Everywhere

Easter bonnets on 5th Avenue 




Elder Mumford on "bridge" over RR tracks behind Rego Park Church 

More Easter Parade

Waiting for the Subway

Another "1st"-- P-Day Activity to UN

Our Group

Group photo inside one of the Assembly rooms
Upon entering the UN arean

Entering UN area ( note the scripture)

                                                 Inside Grand Central Station

At Carmine's restaurant

Queens Burroughs Bridge from UN window

Mosaic from Nancy Reagan.

One of the Assembky rooms"

MONDAY, MARCH 21st, found us on our "1st P-Day Activity" with the other Senior Missionary couples serving in Manhattan Temple.  And a few extras serving in family history and this mission's doctor. We have a group leader, Paul Rogers and his wife Mindie-- Who plan these activities for the
missionaries. It was a very interesting trip to the United Nations. We rode the subway to Grand Central Station (yes, the 'famous one you hear about in movies) and then we walked down to the UN complex. Security is tight but we had a 'reservation'--so we got through quite quickly. It had been raining earlier that morning--so the flags of all the nations had not been posted--that would have been quite the sight!! Felipe Queipo met us ( Dad and I had met him the night before) and then he took us to meet our Guide--who was very knowledgeable about the UN and its mission. We were there about 90 minutes and then Felipe took us and we had a great meeting with him for 30-45 minutes. He is involved with NGO's (non-govermental organizations) about the family. Marcus would know all about these as he was involved with Richard Wilkins during Law School and I think I remember he actually came to the UN. Very wonderful meeting!
Left there to go to a great Italian restaurant, Carmine's, for a "family-style" meal together. Got to meet all the Missionaries we serve with plus the Mission doctor and his wife--Elder Sergei and Sister Linda Martinez, the Lillies who are Family History Missionaries ( they live on Staten Island) and the Huntingtons, who are CES Missionaries. Great people, Great Day. I have a few pics of the day

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another 'first'--Our First Sunday as Missionaries

A "first" Sunday--Manhattan 1st Ward was packed!! Pres Bennion looked around the congregation, and upon seeing so-o-o many Visitors--he quietly pronounced "The tourist season has begun!" Many areas are beginning their Spring Break and that brings people to NYC in droves! (We are truly hoping to be assigned to a Ward or Branch in an outlying area of the Stake, to support a Church Unit that might need our help more).
We so enjoyed being in our meetings and being taught by so many great people and teachers. After meetings we went back to our Apartment and, after figuring out how to use our gas oven, (you just need 'patience' for the flame to start) enjoyed some of the food "stocked" in our fridge by all the Temple Missionaries serving here!! Then we dressed warmly and enjoyed a walk in Central Park!! It was so FUN. Many many people take advantage of this wonderful "green space" in this megalopolis--both young and old.
Later we were invited to the David and Julie Colton apartment to enjoy dinner with them and the 2 Sister Missionaries serving in the Manhattan 1st Ward and a young man who works with the UN, from Spain, Felipe Queipo ( he is also a member of the Church). One of Brad's Best friends while in Law School at ASU was Dan Colton--who is David Colton's son. Bro Colton saw Dad's Missionary Badge and thought maybe he would "know" of Brad--not even thinking that he'd be his dad!! Such a small world!! The Coltons are here serving as Government Affairs Missionaries--working with LDS Charities and the UN. It was a very nice evening--thanks Brad, for your friendship with such fine people!! We ended our Sunday with a brief visit to the Grimley's for more help and info about the "ins and outs" of living/being in New York. Truly a Good Sabbath!!

First day "in" the Manhattan Temple

After our first day in our NY mission field we find ourselves asking, "Are we in Heaven?"
We were treated to a wonderful meal after our arrival, with John and Shellie Harris (Bountiful), by President and Sister Bennion.
We were set apart as ordinance workers and oriented this morning and because of the needs, remained and served most of a shift, and learned only at the end that after our orientation the couples on Saturday are expected to go home and to start next Tuesday.
But this allowed us to serve and also see Kara and Arlo Westin (Kara is Hollie's sister)- great treat.
We love the McKenna couple from LV, Nev, who are to make sure we learn and not mess up too badly.
Got a few things for the apartment which is quite spacious and nicely furnished. We had a "morning visit" from Terry and Melba (Agaki) Grimley (she and Mom knew each other in HS). They are serving here also--since Sept 2015-and wanted to Welcome us!! They told us that ours and some of the other Missionary apartments just got new furniture in dining room, living room--and it is lovely!!
The fridge and panty was stocked with enough and more for our first days to be easier.
We are a little tired but very happy.
Bless you all for your kindnesses, faith and prayers in our behalf in our departure efforts.
Our prayers are with Marc and Brad in the heavy work these past 6 weeks. Bless you all. Dad ( and Mom)
Our first night in New York--at "Il Violino's" with Pres and Sister Bennion and John and Shellie Harris

Sunday, March 20, 2016

MTC (in Salt Lake Temple) is finished--Now we head to Manhattan Temple

March 17, 2016
We finished our wonderful MTC Training and said "Good Bye" to 11 other couples who are going to Temples throughout the world--but not BEFORE we were able to get a picture of our group after we left the Temple Thurs afternoon. We had in our group another Couple--John and Shelly Harris ( or should I say Elder and Sister Harris--yes I should) and we did not say Good Bye because they are coming to New York Manhattan Temple, too!! We have enjoyed getting to know them and are excited to be serving closely with them in New York!! Sister Harris has endured some major "health issues" after she thought she was going into the hospital for some "minor" surgery-which resulted in a 4-month hospital stay!! She says she is doing well and should be 100% given another month. Grateful to be serving with faithful people like this!!
We were able to see MOFF ( on Wed evening) and Bryce and family this evening-- to grab a bite to eat and say "Good Bye" one more time. PARTING IS HARD!!! But we are Ready to go!!
We DEPART for NYC very early in the morning.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Another day of wonderful training in the Salt Lake Temple. Time is really"flying" and it is kinda "bittersweet"! The sooner our MTC experience is Done-- the sooner we get to leave for New York City!--BUT--we have met some wonderful people-- who will be going in all directions to begin their service. Our training is being led by the former President of the Salt Lake Temple--Bro Claron Alldredge and his wife--Sister Lillian S Alldredge (her mother was a General R S. President, Barbara B Smith) and she is so good at augmenting the points Pres Alldredge brings out. Both Alldredges are good at getting us to comment on the various Training videos--which I had seen at some point in my training--but Elder M had not. We are being trained from both the Ordinance worker/Missionary perspective AND the Patron's perspective. Neat neat ideas and thoughts being shared!! The Ordinance workers in the Salt Lake Temple have been so nice and 2 even know our Temple President-- President Steve Bennion--and have expressed how much we are going to love he and  Sister Bennion. Well got to go read the Safety Tips on Travel booklet we'll be quizzed on tomorrow😄😅.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

First "real day" as Elder and Sister Mumford

Just Finished our 1st day of our "MTC Experience" in the Salt Lake Temple. It was so good!! There are 13 Temple Missionary couples-- heading to all parts of the world--Johannesburg, London, Cochabamba, Boston, Domenican Republic, Central America, Nauvoo and Manhattan. Oh and a very faithful Japanese couple-- this will be their 8th mission--heading to Washington, D.C.We were part of several training sessions conducted by special people from the Temple Missionary dept plus a choice visit from a Counselor in the Salt Lake Temple Presidency and his wife. We are truly being spiritually fed and we have thoroughly enjoyed it!  Our last presentation of the day was in the Family History dept--from the Director there--a very dynamic Bro. Rockwood. He knows his stuff!! He told us that the Youth are truly leading out in Temple name submissions as also are converts. He talked to us about all the areas where we are heading and gave some very amazing statistics about the percentages in regards to those who are submitting and doing names for temple work. In some areas ( So Africa, London and Manhattan) he shared numbers around 260%!! Incredible!!This Latter-Day work truly is HASTENING and it's so exciting.

Sweet Sabbath--March 13, 2016

 We had such a sweet service today! Our chapel was filled with people we love and appreciate you coming to be with us. Besides the talks that Ron and I gave – – our two newest grandbabies Quincey Carol Mumford and Miles Duke Mumford, were blessed by their dads. After sacrament meeting, Ron and I were set apart as full-time missionaries by our wonderful stake president, Pres. Dax Keller. It was so sweet to have all of our family there plus extended family and friends. I wish I could have recorded the blessings that were pronounced for they truly are beautiful. Then we had lunch at Linc and Hollie's home. There were 87 people there at about the same time and we didn't even feel"squished"!! Thanks Linc and Hollie for a terrific job of hosting!! (Oh I almost forgot Fielding--he was ordained a Deacon by his Dad, Lincoln-- just before Ron and I were set apart). I think I have received 20+ hugs today from just McKay (10), (one of Duke's boys) telling me that my talk was good and how much he's going to miss me/us.. It zWill be hard to "pull out" tomorrow!!!--
Duke and Kate's family
Sef and Katie's family
Precious Noah and Grammy
Carol's BFF Deonna Fuller and husband. Neil
Moff. with Mom and Dad

 "Grands" blessed today--Miles Duke and Quincey Carol

Bryce & Lissa's family
Bryce and Lissa's family 

Our "Kids"

Carol and her Goff brothers--Mike, Blaine and Ralph

Carol, Deonna and Moff with the "Deonna quilt" that will travel to the Mission with Carol
Marcus and Michelle's family

Grammy and Papa with Fielding and Max

Lincoln and Hollie's family
"Hanging" with Lisa and kids
Marcus, Michelle and JoDee Cook

Monday, March 7, 2016

". . . . . da, da, da, da ,da-aw Start Spreadin' the News . . . . .we're leaving . . . this week"

March 6, 2016

This Blog has been created to commemorate/celebrate the full-time mission of Ron and Carol Mumford to the New York Manhattan Temple.  This is an exciting time for the Mumford family as the original call date of May 16, 2016 has been moved up almost 2 months to March 15, 2016.  Need we say there is a "flurry of activity" going on in this household!  Yet it is a very exciting time as the "WAIT" (which has been from September 26, 2015 when the Call was opened in front of all family members--either in person or via internet) is OVER!! They will depart for Salt Lake City on Monday, March 14th to be ready for three days of Training in the Salt Lake Temple and then fly out to New York City that Friday, March 18th to begin their service.  The Mumfords have been told THEY CANNOT BRING THEIR CAR--as there is such limited and expensive parking/garaging places nearby. So they will need to Walk, Run or Learn to navigate the City's public transportation system--aka Bus, Subway or if you're feeling kinda rich, Taxi.  We have no doubts that we can learn to do this quite well--Carol being extremely confident in. . . . . .Ron's ability to figure this system out!!
We are so anxious and excited to do this--we have heard it is a great place to serve! Our family has been so supportive and we know they will continue to be so.  We have been to New York City            and Manhattan a few times--but as Visitors---now we become Residents--for 18 months.  There is a 37-story apartment building right behind the Manhattan Temple which will become our home.  Some tell us it is 75+ steps to the Temple from one direction and 84 steps from another.  WOW!! That will sure beat our 45-50 minute car ride to the Logan Temple where we have been serving the last few years.  AND--we won't have to worry about hitting a DEER!! Small yet important things for which to be thankful.