Wednesday, June 21, 2017

One more May 2017 Event--VICTOR KYLE MUMFORD's GRADUATION from LECOM!!

I cannot believe how many WONDERFUL things happened in the month of May in the year 2017!! The final--but not least--was our journey to Erie, Pennsylvania the weekend of May 27-28, with fellow attendees: Missy Mumford and Katie Marie & Sefton Wilde, to support and experience Victor Kyle Mumford's graduation from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine or LECOM as we now know it. What a wonderful accomplishment after 4 hard, long years of study and sacrifice for both Kyle and his "support system" of lovely wife, Sachi and 2 precious children, Emma (5) and Hiro (2). Katie Marie & Sef flew into NYC on Friday evening, May 26th so they could be ready to "drive" with Ron and Missy and Me to Erie for the graduation Festivities. Because we were "leaving" our Mission boundaries, we had to get permission from our Temple President, Pres Mark Bench, as well as Temple Mission Dept in Salt Lake, to be able to go--and Pres Bench said, "This is one you Don't want to miss!" So getting that was easy!
We left New York City Saturday about 1:00 pm, after picking up the Rental Car in lower Manhattan. It is about 6.5-7 hours to Erie and we were so hoping to get there by 8:00 pm so we could all go to our favorite restaurant in Erie, "Mi S'cuzi"  one more time together. But we didn't quite make it and Kyle's kids got too tired to stay up any longer. So--Sachi was not able to join us for this "celebratory meal" at this place we all LOVE!! I felt really bad that she missed it!!She has sacrificed so much--time, being alone with kids while Kyle studied & studied!!, etc. But we did take her favorite meal home to her! But. . . Let me "back up"-- to earlier on that Saturday. . .
Kyle entered Medical School on an Army Medical Scholarship--meaning "He is in the Army now" and before he left Clifton to begin his studies, Lyle Henderson, a full Colonel himself, was able to Commission Kyle as a Lieutenant ( not sure if 2nd or 1st) in the Army. Well--upon completion and Graduation from Medical School--Kyle became eligible for "Rank advancement" and that same Saturday morning before the Graduation--he was advanced to the rank of CAPTAIN!! Yay!!
Sachi was able to give Kyle his Captain bars

Family Mumford
L-R. Sachi holding Hiro, Capt. Kyle and
This was a pretty proud moment for Victor Kyle--as now he has the same rank as his Dad!!

Being "sworn in" with other Classmates from his school

Enjoying our "celebration Graduation" meal at Mi S'cuzi restaurant in Erie, PA
They have GREAT FOOD!!
Clockwise around the table--Sef & Katie Wilde, Missy Mumford, Carol (proud Mama) Mumford, Victor Kyle Mumford and  Ron (Papa) Mumford

Many wonderful pictures of that very special day in May--
May 28, 2017-- 


Tender moment with Mom and her son

Top--L to R--Sachi & Kyle; On front lawn of Erie home Missy, Carol, Kyle & Hiro, Sachi, Ron and Emma in front; 
Bottom L to R--Katie Marie, Sachi, Kyle, Dad Ron, Sef, Mama Carol and Missy

Carol, Kyle and Ron

Kyle receiving his Diploma

On the Graduation Stage

On the "Jumbo Screen" our favorite " Graduate"! 

Ahhh-h the "Diploma in Hand"--Proof he MADE IT!! 

Dad and Mom seated in the Graduation venue

Mama Carol & Missy

What a wonderful time we had together in Erie that weekend, enjoying special time with a portion of our family, celebrating Kyle and Sachi!! We know there were many "others" celebrating and remembering he and Sachi in other locations--AND WE LOVE YOU ALL!!

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