Sunday, June 18, 2017

Dinner Cruise on the Hudson--June 5, 2017

One of the activities that we, as the Missionary Group Activities' Planners was to set up a "Dinner Cruise on the Hudson". This was very well received and we had 26 people sign up for this Adventure. According to another source--this was our Route:
We sailed from Chelsea piers up the Hudson north past the Intrepid aircraft carrier, then turned and came down the New Jersey coast under the Brooklyn bridge-- turned again to go north to Liberty Island around the Statue of Liberty then home to Chelsea pier. The trip took about three hours. 

We were treated so well by all the Staff! We enjoyed a very nice Buffet meal and great "photo ops" from the upper outside decks.  Here are some photos of this wonderful event:
Our Missionary Group prior to our boarding "The Spirit of New York" Dinner Cruise ship at 
Chelsea Pier

With some very good friends--
L to R: Ron and Carol. Kent and Barbara Heideman and Mark and Susan Dransfield 

From our table--a "Night to Remember"

Front to back--across in pairs: Mark & Susan Dransfield, Kent & Barbara Heideman, Pres & Sister Bean, then down R-side-- Kathy Nabors & Fusako Miyashiro and L-side Richard and Elaine Holloway

Going down R-side--Ron & Carol Mumford, Sister Bench & Pres Bench
Down L-side--Ralph & Holly Young, & Melba Grimley ( her husband, Terry Grimley, is the Photographer)
Across and down:  Shellie & John Harris, down R-side--Pres & Sister Nixon, and L-side--Spencer & Jeanine Brown

View from our Ship Window of the Manhattan Skyline

Passing under the amazing Brooklyn Bridge 

Cruising toward Lady Liberty 

Great shot--looks like "we are towing the Statue of Liberty 

Carol & Ron with Lady Liberty between us 

Such a wonderful scene of the Statue of Liberty at night!!

Lady Liberty--she really does "beckon" with her words inscribed on her base:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore--send these the homeless, tempest tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." 

Looking back toward the Ferry gates 

We had a great DJ--who took requests--and we finally got "our waltz" 

What a Fun night with wonderful people!

This is one of the Group Activities that we have had great feedback about--and as we left the Boat--the Ship's Captain was there to hand out WARM CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!! 
They have great PR!!   So glad we could Sail with you!!

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