Sunday, June 18, 2017

Grace and Hazel Mumford take NYC🍎"by storm" with Dad Marcus

This "Visit" has been on our Calendar since Christmas and we have been so excited for them!  Grace made a "LIST" of all the things she wanted to do in the City--and Hazel pretty much agreed that was her "wishes" also. So--Missy and I put together a "rough sketch/outline" for them as we knew they would "hit the ground, running" when they got here--and they did BUT only after a6 -hour nap!! Oh we DID NOT plan for that!!--so things had to be squeezed together In some spots. But they loved it--and They did many FUN things while Papa and I were at our Temple assignment like Walking the Brooklyn Bridge and having Pizza at Grimaldi''s, taking  the STATEN Island Ferry out and seeing the Statue of Liberty as it passes by back and forth between Manhattan and STATEN Island. The Ferry is FREE and a pretty good way to see Miss Liberty if you do not care if you actually set foot on the island where she stands at her post. They made it up to LeVain's Bakery for scones, Sara Beth's for Breakfast and a "sweet stop" at Dylan's Candy Bar.-- to name a few!!'  Here are some pics of mine and a few more pics from Grace to finish my pictorial coverage of this wonderful time with Marcus, Grace and Hazel Mumford as they spent time in the Big🍎Apple in May 2017
Here is "The List" from Grace with Hazel agreeing to most things on this List as her "must see & 
                                                   we loved "watching them" love it!!
We met up with Marcus and his "girls" at another iconic New York place called "Serendipity" known all over for it's FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE"

On another evening--and Marcus not feeling very well--Dad and I took Hazel, Grace & Missy to Ellen's Stardust Diner
Where the Wait Staff are Singers and Dancers hoping to be called up to parts 
On BROADWAY!! Some great talent there--but the food is mediocre!!
Counterclockwise around the table--Papa & Grammy Mumford, Hazel & Grace Mumford and Missy Mumford

Another "angle" of Grace and Hazel Mumford at Serendipity's
That was a great place to "Rendevous" after they went to see "Wicked" at the Gershwin Theater on Broadway

Grace, Hazel and Marcus Mumford from the Metropolitan Museum of Art's rooftop terrace. 


And proud to wear it!! 

Hazel Mumford and Grace Mumford in  Times Square in the rain--oh well 

Grace Mumford takes New York City "weather" it's raining or not!! So Fun to have her here!! 

1st Broadway play "Wicked"--their first night in NYC 

"Pinch Me--am I really here?!"

Walking that Brooklyn Bridge 
And then PIZZA at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn 
L-R Aunt Moff (Missy), Grace, Marcus and Hazel Mumford 

Dad Marcus --and these are his own words "And for our last night in NYC. . . kind of a surprise. HAMILTON. . . But what is a father to do when it's the only thing his girls can talk about?"

Yay!! I'm in New York City--and Lady Liberty is in her spot 

That truly was a special time--as are all the times we have had "Family and Visitors come from HOME " to stay and enjoy a few days in this AMAZING CITY THAT "NEVER SLEEPS"!!
❤️💋💖💞from us All,

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