Thursday, June 1, 2017

May has been "filled" with GREAT THINGS"

MAY--I love May!! It seems that this is the month that I have always felt I could actually start to HOPE for Summer! And here in New York that is also the case! And besides--May has given us our 2 oldest children--Melissa (Missy to most) and Marcus. So it's great month!! Well-- I'll attempt a recap of what's been happening.
One of the hardest parts of serving this Mission--is saying "GOOD BYE" to those we have served with. And it's going to be happening quite a bit in the next few months. But on May 8th we had a MISSIONARY FHE in Apt 4B (our Temple President's apt) to bid farewell to 2 couples-- Elder Paul and Sister Mar Jean Lewis (departing May 17th) and Elder Richard and Sister Elaine Holloway (departing June 12rh). The Lewises have been serving with the other Group--as we are divided into 2 shifts of 4 couples and 1Senior Sister each. These "shifts" serve together daily--either the day-shift, from  morning until late afternoon OR  late afternoon until night. And then every 3 months these same shifts "flip flop" between morning and night. It works out well--even though it sounds confusing!! The change in these shifts allows for all of us to enjoy some free evenings for entertainment and such and freer days to see sights which are best viewed in the daylight. It's just "hard" for me because I prefer the day shift to the evening. But it's a very good way to allow us all to experience ALL facets of this "City that never sleeps"!! So, even tho' we didn't' get to serve "side by side" with Paul and MarJean--we saw and felt their tireless example of going the "extra mile" in all they did. Elder Lewis has a very interesting 'conversion' story--he was not a member of this Church when he and Sister Lewis were married.      

 I e
Sister Young was in charge of the menu and she "created" the salad reminiscent  of our good ol' Cafe Rio in Logan, UT that we loved to go to after our Temple service on Saturdays. . . Oh so long ago . . . umm-- like 14 months ago😉

Sister MarJean and Elder Paul Lewis

Elder Richard and Sister Elaine Holloway
This great couple, the Holloways, have become very dear friends and I especially, am going to miss Sis Holloway when they depart for home on June 12, 2017!!! Ron and I were their "Trainers" and got to love them more each day we served with them They even went on a trip with us to Cape Cod, Sharon, Vermont--birthplace of the Prophet  Joseph Smith and then to Boston, and then back to New York City  during the Summer maintenance scheduled closing of 2016. They shared all the expenses and we had a great time!! I am really going to miss her--glad she lives in Rexburg, Idaho--so maybe we can see them again.💝

Couldn't resist this--I've wanted to take a picture of this forever. . . 
It makes me smile every time I see it! It's on Sister Benches' desk--in their apartment--that I'm sure has NEVER seen an accumulation of dust. . . anywhere!!
Our lovely table setting for this Missionary FHE
It was dubbed as "Cafe Rio--Manhattan style" and it was GREAT!!

The 2 pictures that follow are a bit of a 'deviation' from our Group photo as Missionaries depart--but I was not in charge of the camera that night, . 

Clockwise around the table from left corner: Sis Grimley, Sis Miyashiro, Sis Nabors, Pres Bean, 
Sis Dorothy Bench, Pres Bench, E Mumford, Sis Mumford, E Heideman, Sis Heideman, Sis Pat 
Nixon, Pres Nixon, E McKenna, Sis McKenna, Sis Lewis, E Lewis, E Holloway, Sis Holloway, Sis 
.Young, E Young, Sis Natalie Bean, Sis Harris and  E Harris (E Grimley, who promised to "photo shop himself into this picture--is taking the picture)

Our Group enjoying their meal and time together

We have a great friend in our apartment building who has significant ties to Bank of American Fork
(BAF)(he, Paul Gunther and his brother, were initial investors in this Bank which
 merged with LSB just a few short years ago) and he has been so kind to "share and invite" us to musical productions going  on across the street from us here in NYC at several of the 'concert halls' that comprise the Lincoln Center and the Juilliard School and opera and ballet venues. He gave us these tickets to one of those performances a few weeks ago that was just tremendous!! And we so appreciate him for thinking of us.

This concert was held in Alice Tulley Hall-- not a large 'hall' but perfect for the great sound produced 

Here we are at this performance AND . . . 

Our seats are on the very front and center row!! Wowzers!! 
We really enjoyed this evening out!!

E Mumford is very fond of a 'good Italian-style pizza--reminicient of his time in Italy on his mission. Therefore when he hears of an especially "good one"--he wants to go there--and in this case--take 
others there. So on Monday, May 8, 2017--a group of Missionaries head to John's of Bleeker Street--for some great pizza!! (Although our choice this time was a "but too garlicky" for me).
 Our group enjoying their menu choices from John's of Bleeker Street Pizzaria--voted #2 in nation? Or New York by Foodie called The Daily Meal 

After we left the Pizzaria --we walked "The Highline" with these 3 Sister Missionaries-- 

Sis Miyashiro, Sis Holloway, Sis Nabors and Elder Mumford 
What is "The Highline"? 
The High Line is a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. It runs from Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District to West 34th Street, between 10th and 12th Avenues.
· The High Line is 1.45 miles (2.33 kilometers) long.
· The park was designed by James Corner Field Operations, Diller Sco dio + Renfro, and planting designer Piet Oudolf.
· Over 350 species of perennials, grasses, shrubs, vines, and trees are grown on the High Line.
· Friends of the High Line – the non-pro t conservancy responsible for maintaining, operating, and programming the High Line – presents over 400 free public programs and 30+ public art projects per year.
· Friends of the High Line raises 98% of the High Line’s annual budget from friends like you.

Mid-1800s to early 1900s
Freight trains run along street- level railroad tracks creating dangerous conditions for pedestrians. Tenth Avenue earns the nickname “Death Avenue.”
1934 As part of the West Side Improvement Project, the High Line opens to trains. It runs from 34th Street to St John’s Park Terminal, at Spring Street. It is designed to go through the center of buildings, rather than over the avenues – carrying goods to and from Manhattan’s largest industrial district.
1980 The last train runs on the High Line in 1980, pulling three carloads of frozen turkeys.
1999 The non-pro t advocacy group Friends of the High Line
is founded by Joshua David, Robert Hammond, and other community members to campaign for the High Line’s preservation and reuse as public open space.

The  rst section of the High Line (from Gansevoort to 20th Streets) opens in June 2009. The second section from (20th to 30th Streets) opens in June 2011. The third section (from 30th to 34th Streets) opens in September 2014.
The High Line is now maintained, operated, and programmed by Friends of the High Line – a non-pro t conservancy – in partnership with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation.

Standing where the trains used to go 

Ron & Carol with the Hudson River in the background -- 
Wishing I could take my "shades" off for pics 

I took this picture for our cute "little Jane"

We didn't walk the whole 1.45 miles of this trail--but we saw some very interesting sights from up over the City while we walked.

A day or so later, we found ourselves making our way to the big and beautiful Barnes and Noble bookstore in downtown New York City for a "book signing" and audience with one of the Greats of the basketball arena --Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the Interviewer from Yankees fame, Jose Torres . In order to be in the audience--we both had to buy his book 
COACH WOODEN ( John) and ME 
--Our 50-year Friendship On and OFF The Court.~
We really enjoyed being there on that evening
Not sure what Sis Mumford was so excited about--but isn't Abdul-Jabbar TALL!!!

We'll catch the rest of this "Merry Month of May" in another Post!! 

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