Friday, June 23, 2017

Katie Marie & Sef Wilde--ONE DAY in NYC🍎!!

Well--we "raced home--in the pouring rain--in the middle of the night and wee hours of the morning" from Erie, PA for 2 reasons: (1) Kyle and his family were flying out very early the morning of the 29th of May to their "new" home of Ft Lewis in Tacoma, Washington and (2) Katie & Sef only had that Monday to "see NYC" and we had to make it happen!! This was Sef's "first trip" to NY so he wanted to See & Do as much as a day allows!!  Here are pics of some of those things they did:
View from the ROOF of our Apt Building in Manhattan
Sef and Katie Marie Wilde

Pics of a very busy Times Square, New York

Riding the Subway--iconic New York thing

More Times Square 

View of Manhattan fromthe Staten Island Ferry

"Looking OUT--Looking IN" on the Ferry

Kate & Sef with Lady Liberty in the distance 

On the Ferry--just "hanging with my Katie" 

Carol, Ron, Katie & Sef inside Grand Central Station in NYC

 ON OUR WAY TO THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, we pass by the New York History Museum and that's where Elder Mumford "met up with" Mr Lincoln
The other pic is from the AMNH--the African Elephants "on the move"

Viewing Lady Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry
Katie Marie Wilde and Sefton Wilde

Getting around NYC via the Subway

Missy Mumford (top) and Sef Wilde (bottom) on the Staten Island Ferry with the Manhattan, NY Skyline in background 

It was a very quick trip for Katie S& Sef-- but we so LOVED having them here and in Erie, PA with to celebrate Kyle and Sachi Mumford. Thanks for coming💋!!

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