Saturday, June 24, 2017

Meanwhile--Back on the Farm. . .

So here we are in the "Concrete Jungle" of New York City--very glad to have the "green space" of Central Park just a block away.   Well, last Saturday, June 17, 2017, many wonderful, wonderful people were gathering on "our farm"--The Clifton Farm aka "JEMS DAIRY" for what Duke (our son, Lucas) and Linc (another son, Lincoln) had invited to a "Reverse Barn Building". You see, there is/was an old metal building "the Quonset", which had been used like a shop/storage area for the Farm. Well a few years ago-- tornado-type winds cut a select path thru the property of the Farn and down crashed a portion of said Quonset!! Now it became not only "ugly--but not very useful, either. Kate Mumford, Duke's very supportive wife, has a "vision" of this Farm becoming more "organized and spruced up a bit"-- not exactly her words--but her desire. The property around the Milking barn becomes more valuable to use for storing items and having access to helpful items with which to "run the Farm". So. . . . . 
The Quonset and surrounding "junk" had to GO!!
Last Saturday--was the date and invites went out. Family, Friends and Neighbors gathered at 8:00 am--and the work began!! Just a few pics of who, what, and where to help us here in NYC 🍎TO SEE a portion of what transpired and was transformed!!
The Work Force ( but we understand there are several 'missing' as they had to leave before the project ended). We are just so grateful to ALL of you!!

Addie Belle Cook--"We always knew you were STRONG!"

"3 of us can work together"--  I recognize Mitchell and Millie June Mumford--and I think that might be Alexa Jo. Mumford--NOPE, I STAND CORRECTED (by Aunt Moff)-- that is Cailin Mumford on the end of this big board--all working as a TEAM!!

Looks like Melanie (Sears) Petterborg and McKell  Sears tackling this area 
Clancy found & "shot" 2 skunks in the cleanup effort. Ron told him,"You go Chow! Proud to know you. . . at a distance!"  We're always glad to know there are less SKUNKS in the world!!

If you start hauling "junk" away--things just start looking better--Go Farm Team!!

As  these next pics "document"-- it was quite a MESS that 

Sure needed to be  "CLEANED UP AND MOVED OUT!!

Now there's some people I know & LOVE!
"Hi Anders Blake and Mitchell Mumford!"

So Very Happy that so much GOOD was accomplished AND word has it that the "promised STEAK DINNER "  was indeed served---to 44 People!! What a great day!!

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