Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Welcome to Elder SK Tan and Sister Hazel Tan AND Elder Lynn DeBry & Sister Deanna DeBry!!

We "limped" along on our Missionary Shift of 2 couples--the Mumfords and the Youngs and Sister Miyashiro for one whole week before these 2 "new couples" arrived in the Mission. The Tans came directly from their home in Singapore--a 26-hour flight--if you count plane changes and short layovers.
The DeBrys have come from Salt Lake City, Utah, having experienced the  ""Temple MTC " in the Salt Lake Temple for 3 days. That is such a choice experience and special preparation for a Temple Mission. 
Here are just some brief "bios" of these 2 wonderful couples we will be serving with here in the New York Manhattan Temple. This information was sent out to all Temple Missionaries by Pres Bench, our Temple President, so we could know a little bit about them before we actually met them

I have been blessed to be able to spend the last week "Training" Sister Tan--and seriously, I am sure Ilearned more than I taught!! She is so capable and people are so "drawn" to her because of her goodness and her gracious ways! Now that she will go "solo"--I will truly miss our one-on-one time together and feeling of her "extra-special" spirit.  Sister Holly Young was asked to Train Sister DeBry and I am sure she has had a similar experience to mine--these new Sisters have both had such rich previous experiences of Service. 
On this Monday evening, June 26th (2017) we will have an FHE in Pres & Sister Benches' apartment with dinner and then a WELCOME to these new couples. Stand by--more to come!!

The Temple Presidency and Matrons and all Full-time Temple Missionaries did meet in Apt 4B on Monday evening, June 26, 2017, to have FHE and a Welcome Dinner for our 2 newest Missionary Couples. It was a truly lovely dinner, planned by Sister Melba Grimley. She decided on "Hawaiian Haystacks, Grimley-style" and it was so good. We had both white and brown rice and over 10 toppings to put on that rice!! Plus fresh fruit--oh so good. I love "Summer meals"-- so light and simple! It was also Pres David Bean's birthday--so Sister Bench made two chocolate chocolate bundt cakes with chocolate chips inside and Sister Nixon made her special "hot fudge sauce" to go with ice cream and it was "anything but light" but oh so good!!  After dinner and dessert--we listened to each new person give us a "glimpse" of who they are.  It was so enjoyable!! Then we sang the new
song by Brother Michael Moody, who used to be the Chairman of the Church's Temple Missionary Dept, entitled "COME TO THE TEMPLE"--which Sisters Bench and Harris had been practicing a lot the past few days (determined NOT to make a mistake--and with S Benches'optimism--almost "perfect"!! Beautiful music--this may be the song we sing to "Welcome" the new Missionaries and the tearful "Go Now in Peace" to bid departing Missionaries GOOD BYE.
Elder SK Tan and Sister Hazel Tan

Elder Lynn DeBry and Sister Deanna DeBry

At Present--our Full-Time Temple Missionary  Group
Back row, L to R: E Ralph Young & S Holly Young, E Spencer Brown & S Jeanine Brown,
 S Shellie Harris & E John Harris; then it goes- Pres Kem Nixon with S Pat Nixon in front, 
Pres Mark Bench with S Dorothy Bench in front ,  Pres David Bean with S  Natalie Bean in front, then Back row continues with S Barbara Heideman, E Kent Heideman, (peeking from back)
 S Kathy Nabors, S Fusako Miyashiro, E Ron Mumford, S Carol Mumford, E Terry Grimley and 
S Melba Grimley; and on the L side of Front Row--E SK Tan & Sister Hazel Tan and on R side of Front Row--E Lynn DeBry and S Deanna DeBry

These are the wonderful people we spend so much of each day serving in the Temple or enjoying some great "out of the Temple" activities together. We love you all!!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Meanwhile--Back on the Farm. . .

So here we are in the "Concrete Jungle" of New York City--very glad to have the "green space" of Central Park just a block away.   Well, last Saturday, June 17, 2017, many wonderful, wonderful people were gathering on "our farm"--The Clifton Farm aka "JEMS DAIRY" for what Duke (our son, Lucas) and Linc (another son, Lincoln) had invited to a "Reverse Barn Building". You see, there is/was an old metal building "the Quonset", which had been used like a shop/storage area for the Farm. Well a few years ago-- tornado-type winds cut a select path thru the property of the Farn and down crashed a portion of said Quonset!! Now it became not only "ugly--but not very useful, either. Kate Mumford, Duke's very supportive wife, has a "vision" of this Farm becoming more "organized and spruced up a bit"-- not exactly her words--but her desire. The property around the Milking barn becomes more valuable to use for storing items and having access to helpful items with which to "run the Farm". So. . . . . 
The Quonset and surrounding "junk" had to GO!!
Last Saturday--was the date and invites went out. Family, Friends and Neighbors gathered at 8:00 am--and the work began!! Just a few pics of who, what, and where to help us here in NYC 🍎TO SEE a portion of what transpired and was transformed!!
The Work Force ( but we understand there are several 'missing' as they had to leave before the project ended). We are just so grateful to ALL of you!!

Addie Belle Cook--"We always knew you were STRONG!"

"3 of us can work together"--  I recognize Mitchell and Millie June Mumford--and I think that might be Alexa Jo. Mumford--NOPE, I STAND CORRECTED (by Aunt Moff)-- that is Cailin Mumford on the end of this big board--all working as a TEAM!!

Looks like Melanie (Sears) Petterborg and McKell  Sears tackling this area 
Clancy found & "shot" 2 skunks in the cleanup effort. Ron told him,"You go Chow! Proud to know you. . . at a distance!"  We're always glad to know there are less SKUNKS in the world!!

If you start hauling "junk" away--things just start looking better--Go Farm Team!!

As  these next pics "document"-- it was quite a MESS that 

Sure needed to be  "CLEANED UP AND MOVED OUT!!

Now there's some people I know & LOVE!
"Hi Anders Blake and Mitchell Mumford!"

So Very Happy that so much GOOD was accomplished AND word has it that the "promised STEAK DINNER "  was indeed served---to 44 People!! What a great day!!

Friday, June 23, 2017

"GOOD MORNING AMERICA!" --broadcast from Central Park

We had such a great time going to a few of these "GMA's" last summer--that Sister Holloway talked us into going 1 more time with her before she went home to Idaho. We probably could have picked a better group--at least "name wise"-- as we got into the Crowd--one of the largest I'd been to--to find out we were to be entertained by "THE CHAIN SMOKERS".   WHAT?? What kind of name is that?? Lots of people there to cheer them on--we --Sisters Holloway. Brown, Miyashiro and myself--we stuck around for about 20 minutes--only to find out that this duo of singers and guitar players had been singing since 6:30 am and would not be back onstage until 8:45 on "live TV" and it was just before 8:00 am. So--we snapped a few pics. . .  And walked back home--sadly disappointed at the whole turn of events!!
Sisters Holloway, Miyashiro, Mumford & Brown at the GMA broadcast from Central Park in 
New York City on June 9, 2017

Sister Jeanne Brown and Sister Carol Mumford in Central Park

The program Entertainers called "The Chain Smokers"--just 
Who we were "dying to hear"!!

Apparently the gal on our Left is the "Weather Girl" for GMA and she's accommodating this "selfie" with some of her Fans. I did not know who she was--but "noted" that she wore very BLUE SHOES!

Not near as fun as the Programs we went to last summer--but Sisters Brown & Miyashiro want to give it another try--so we are checking upcoming Broadcasts to see if there's a good one in the works!! 

At least we got a decent WALK in that day--wasn't a TOTAL LOSS--but close!!

The "dry run" to Montauk Point Lighthouse"

Once again we find ourselves "knee-deep" in our assignment as Group Missionary Activities Coordinators--and we have several activities "calendared" for the next few months. One that has us a little concerned is the trip out to Long Island--actually the very END OF LONG ISLAND, to the MONTAUK POINT LIGHTHOUSE.  It takes over 3 hours to get to Montauk Village by train--Long Island RailRoad (LIRR) and then the Lighthouse is another 5 or 6 miles out of town. With many "unknowns" about this activity--Ron proposed and I was pretty much "on board (or All Aboard)" that we take a Monday and do a "dry run" of this activity. Somehow we got one of the other Temple Missionary couples, Kent & Barbara Heideman, to join us in this "run" as they are busy with a daughter who lives back here, on the day of the proposed Activity.
So on Monday, June 19, 2017, we set out for Long Island. Trying to test all options, Ron decided to go by "road"  so he and Kent escorted Barbara and I to Penn Station where she and I bought tickets on the LIRR train and then they left us to go and rent a car and "meet us" at the RR Station in Montauk, New York.  We had a very pleasant ride to Babylon (real name), New York, where we then got off the train and crossed the platform to a " double decker" train that was waiting to take us the rest of the way--Montauk being the end of the line. We tried to get seats on the top layer--but almost every window seat was taken in the car we boarded first so in order to get a seat together, and "be seated" before the train departed, we went below on the next traincar and easily found seats together.  By now we were close, if not into, The Hamptons, an area of Long Island where many of the "wealthy" New Yorkers have beautiful country estates, so what we could see from our "low traincar" was rolling green and lots of trees. We arrived at the LIRR Montauk station at 11:00 am --having left Penn Station at 7:50 am. We got off the train and started walking down a wooden boardwalk and saw a large group of what I'll call "taxi mongers" all barking "Taxi, Taxi" and waving their business cards in our faces!! We got out of there--hoping that our "personal taxi--Ron & Kent" were somewhere in that dirt parking lot. But they were still a few miles out of town. So we looked around at our surroundings, found a nice business who let us use their restroom and then came back to wait for our ride. The "village of Montauk" is about .6 miles from the Train station and sort of quaint and touristy. It's 'village center or plaza' is a round circle of shops and little eating "rooms" as the locals called them with a street going thru the middle of this circle. They rely very heavily on tourists--and wealthy ones at that. It was a bit breezy and a little cooler than I had expected, so I was looking for a shop where I could buy a sweatshirt or sweater. We had ordered lunch at a local spot recommended by someone we asked, so I went to look in a shop or two for this item. I went into what I'm sure was a "second hand" store and thought I'd surely find what I was seeking. Yes, there was a rack of "gently used" sweatshirts--but no pricetags on them. I was alone in the shop except for a clerk so I asked her:
Me: "How much is this--(holding up the sweatshirt)?
Clerk: "$72.00"
Me:  "(with disbelief in my voice) For a Sweatshirt??"
Clerk: "It's a very nice one"
Me: (and I'm sure I shared more than she wanted to know) I've never paid that for a Sweatshirt" and kindly left the store.

After we finished lunch--we went across the street to "Montauk Clothing" and found every kind of sweatshirt, tee shirt imaginable and purchased a "nice" sweatshirt that zips up the front, on sale, for $37.00!! PLEASED WITH MY PURCHASE!! 
Ron and I outside the Village information center--with my newly acquired sweatshirt--and very glad for it!!

We then got in the car and traveled out to the Lighthouse, about 6 miles out of the center of town. 
At the entrance to the Montauk Point Lighthouse

The Museum attached to the Lighthouse

a sculpture by Malcolm Frazier--
located overlooking the Atlantic Ocean at the end of Lighthouse grounds

View from the top of the 134 stairs of the Lighthouse landing

Just out the small doorway at the Lighthouse top
Very windy--and I can't do a thing with my hair!! 

To put the doorway in "perspective"

Views of the beach below, the "crashing waves" and the Atlantic Ocean

More views from the top of the Lighthouse--looking down 

The other side of the Lighthouse--more beach--less cliffs 

Barbara and Kent Heideman--our fellow "Missionary Explorers" 
Barbara and I both expressed how we could stay there all day and listen to and watch the crashing waves of the Ocean upon the beach!! It was great!!

Carol and Ron down on the cliff-side beach

On the south side of the Lighthouse, looking down the beach with the cliffs on our right

Kent Heideman and Ron "skipping rocks" into the Atlantic 

These " boys" are just drawn to the ""challenge" of finding good flat rocks for skipping! 

It was quite a breezy day-- and foggy, so the waves were "crashing" and the Fog Horn was blowing at the Lighthouse 

Our wonderful friends and fellow Missionaries--Barbara and Kent Heideman,  who we traveled with and spent such a glorious day with--as we "ironed out the details and question marks" concerning this upcoming Group Missionary Activity to Montauk Point Lighthouse 
" Thank you so much for spending so much time and energy to help us figure this out!" We could NOT have come up with THE PLAN without your help and input!"

Now we are READY to put it out there for the Group to "Sign Up" and experience  what we have so enjoyed this day!!

One last "Outing" with my Friend Elaine--to NY Botanical Gardens

I knew as soon as June happened--time would "speed up" to June 12th (2017)--Departure Day for Elder Richard and Sister Elaine Holloway! AND IT DID!! But not before we got in one last outing--to the New York Botanical Gardens, in the Bronx. We rode the train (Metro North train out of Grand Central Station) straight to the Garden--that was a "fete" all by itself-for me!! And the train stopped right across the street from these Gardens. I "navigated by myself (no Ron) and I was pretty excited that I didn't 't get us LOST!!!
This is such a BEAUTIFUL PLACE.!! The gardens sit on a 250 acre site that was founded in 1891. I had only been there 1 other time--at Christmas 2016--to the Holiday Train show--which was truly amazing. So to get to see the spectacular grounds outside this time was just so amazing!! It was about the last thing Elaine and I did together and we picked a Wonderful time to go--the gardens had just "hosted" the Annual Rose Show from the Amy Rockefeller Rose Garden inside the NYBotanical Gardens. With these pics I try to "tell you" just how lovely these gardens really are!!--but there again , the photos just don't do it "justice"! But we'll enjoy them any way!!
At the entrance to the Plant Emporium--we didn't have time to go inside--but Elaine "peeked inside" and reported "It looks Amazing" in there!"

Garden Patio

Lots and Lots of perennials!!

The "sample Patio Garden"--LOVE IT!! Just figured out why I love it--we have pavers just like this back on our patio in Idaho!! I just need some "grooming lessons" on how to make things look like this!! Amazing beautiful!!

This "beckoned me" to sit and enjoy--wish I could have!!

From the Rockefeller Rose Garden 

Desert Rose--like the pink and yellow "wild roses" we had on the Farm in Sandy, Utah 

We "talked" Sister Miyashiro into ONE photo with us:
L-R--Elaine Holloway. Fusako Miyashiro, Carol Mumford
(But we got 3)!

This rose in honor of "Danish ancestors" AND  Megan Sears and Kyle Pierson who served Missions there

The "perfect rose"--nothing lovelier than that!! 

In the "climbing roses area"

This rose is in honor of "Goff ancestors from Shropshire, England" 

And this for my Mother, Grace Newbold Goff  and our oldest Grandchild--Grace Maria Mumford

At the Garden Entrance--Carol Mumford and Elaine Holloway ( one of my BFF's) 

That was truly an outing that we'll remember a long time and so glad we could go BEFORE Sister Elaine Holloway returned to her home in Rexburg, Idaho!!  We miss the Holloways so much!!