Saturday, August 20, 2016

Random "thoughts and pics" as August 2016 plays out

We "finished our Summer Temple Maintenance break" and returned to our daily schedule and routine of our Mission--serving in the Temple!! We didn't quite get 'rested up'--but you know the saying "a change is as good as a rest"--well it applies well here!! And the old adage--" Glad to go . . . and Glad to get home"-- a good one too! The New York Manhattan Temple opened again on August 9th and the first few days we were "back" were very busy. As long as I'm " "throwing out sayings"-- here's one that seems to apply "absence makes the heart grow fonder"--as we saw many full temple sessions and the Baptistry was busy with large groups of youth. But now 2 weeks later. . . The "end of summer" factor has landed and we see fewer patrons coming to participate as " vacations and activities" have taken many from this "City that never sleeps". We'll hope that September will bring back a more settled routine and better Temple attendance.
Just a few more pics of " things in and around New York:
We went out to "Governor's Island" with some of our Missionary Friends on our P-day ( Aug 15, 2016). It's a short ferry ride from the lower end of Manhattan. We got some "free bikes" and rode around the island for about an hour. Here is a little "abbreviated info" about Governor's Island:

Governors Island is a 172-acre island, a 10-minute ferry ride from Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City. Governors Island National Monument manages 22 acres, containing Fort Jay and Castle Williams. The City of New York through the Trust for Governors Island manages the rest of the 150 acres. It is a "quiet retreat" from the hustle/bustle of NYC. It is seperated from Brooklyn by the Buttermilk Channel.

A Silent Sentinel in New York Harbor

From 1794 to 1966, the U.S. Army on Governors Island was part of the social, political, and economic tapestry of New York City. Today, the island is a vibrant summer seasonal venue of art, culture, and performance against the backdrop of two centuries of military heritage and the skyline of one of the great cities of the world.
Below are some of the things we saw/ did on Governor's Island:

Sister Kathy Thompson in front of the old canon used to defend this fort in 1812

Looking back towards Manhattan

L to R-E Mumford, S Mumford, Sister Kathy Thompson, Sister Elaine Holloway, Elder Richard Holloway, Elder Paul Lewis and Sister Mar Jean Lewis

On our bikes--L to R-- Lewis', Holloways', Mumfords and Thompson
E and S Mumford on their bikes

We think this is a version of a Lighthouse

Castle William

From Governor's Island--you can see this view of the Statue if Liberty

The Staten Island ferry--makes its way from lower Manhattan over to Staten Island several times 

Looking back towards New York 

On the ferry

Coming into dock 

Another fun activity--Good Morning America--in Central Park!! 
S Mumford and S Holloway with some of our "freebies" the morning we "stopped in" as we walked in the Park 

S Holloway and S Mumford--with "tags" on our noses and all!!

This is what I can often see on my morning walk down by the Hudson--when I want a change from "walking in Central Park"

I think they are geese ?? 

Just as tame as can be--this is their home 

More GMA in Central Park 

That morning (Aug 12, '16) the performer was Keith Urban 

"Alice in Wonderland" in Central Park.  S Holloway and I have been "trying" to find this as we walk in the Park--and finally "stumbled on to it"!!

S Mumford and S Holloway 

Hans Christian Andersen 

They have "Storytelling" here every week during the Summer months--would love to do that!!

Well-- that's a RAP on some fun activities at our fingertips.

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