Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More "Temple break and some R& R"

This continues our recording of all the wonderful things we were able to see and do during our Temple break for "Summer Maintenance". We were in the great city of Boston, MA for 2 days/1 night and there was so-o much to see!! We had booked a "Tour of Boston and Lexington and Concord" which we really enjoyed. Our Bus Guide, Frankie, was oh so knowledgeable about this area and its rich Revolutionary History. Our first afternoon we took a Trolley Tour (part of our total Tour pkg) which for us, was pretty "uneventful"--but we ended up at Quincy Market, a bustling indoor Food Court/Shops which we found "deliciously exciting"!! Then we headed out on the self-guided (by following the red bricks in the sidewalk) Freedom Trail. It is about a 2.5 mile walk through Boston, viewing several sites of Revolutionary War importance--and we ended at Bunker Hill. Whew--we were tired and hot/thirsty, but so glad we were able to complete it. The next day we went on a tour bus out to Lexington and Concord--sites of the beginning of the Revolutionary War. We came away with so much gratitude for those Colonials and their sacrifices for FREEDOM. Below are some of our "attempts" to capture the "rich history and significance" of this period in our Nation's early beginnings.

A "view" from the North Bridge

E Mumford in front of monument detailing the importance of the North Bridge and the events that happened there 

Walking toward the water and the Old North Bridge

In this same area is the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson and his famous "Walden's Pond"

Colonial Cemetery 

Bunker Hill monument 

Boston Harbor in South Boston 

Boston Tea Party Museum 

Aboard the Boston Tea Party ship--the Dartmouth (facsimile of)

The "tea"

Meeting the "night of the famous 'Boston Tea Party' 

Samuel Adams addressing us--and "calling us " to ACTION

S Mumford and a bronzed Samuel Adams

View of the Harbor from a bridge 

Elder Holloway "steering the ship"

This Boston Tea Party Museum was something we just "happened upon" after we turned our rental car back  in and got delivered to the South Boston train station. We had about 2.5 hours before our train departure so we went outside to see if there was anything to "see". S Mumford really wanted to go towards the water we could see a ways in the distance. As the water came into view, so did the ships and building I had seen in a pamphlet about Boston and that famous "Tea Party". Yay!! That part of the Revolutionary War had been one of my favorites and we hadn't found anything about it to this point in our trip. The whole Museum experience was wonderful. At first, I didn't think we had time--but E Mumford assured me we did--so we paid our money and went in. So so worth it!! We finished our Boston time and boarded our Amtrack train bound for NYC--arriving home very late due to an "obstruction on the tracks"!a few stops outside of Boston. Only message we got from our " Attendant in charge" over the loudspeaker--was basically " that she had no information, except that the Police are in the area--with dogs"! We were delayed close to 2 hours--extra hard to sit and wait--as all we really wanted was to get home and go to bed!! We eventually made it--and crawled into bed close to 2 AM Saturday morning, July 30th. Needed to get some rest before our next "adventure" which would start later that morning. Good night!!

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