Thursday, August 18, 2016

More friends find us in New York

We said "Good-bye" to Elder and Sister Samuelson on Tuesday, Aug 2nd. and gladly "Welcomed" more friends from "home"--well, Utah)--Rob and Diane Prince. They had come to NY to help their daughter and see a new Grandson. We were so happy to have them stay with us for a few days. We were able to do a few things with them, in between their "tending and helping" the newborn and new Mom. One thing we had not been able to do with the Samuelsons' in conjunction with the 9/11 Museum was to visit the newly constructed "One Tower" Observatory--because the weather was so cloudy we wouldn't have been able to see much. In fact, when E Mumford went to purchase tickets for it--the Ticket agent said "not to buy them 'cause you won't be able to see much--and you'll not get your money's worth". Good advice, for sure--but the day (2 days later) we chose to go with the Prince's--it was like the Barbara Streisand song🎼"On A Clear Day, You Can See Forever"!!
These are some of our "views" from the Observatory Tower--pretty amazing for sure!!

One Tower Observatory behind us

Rob Prince from the Tower

One Tower

Our FAVORITE INDIAN RESTAURANT (in Washington Heights)  The Prince's took us there--and they loved it too!!

The "wealth" of information this Guide had was AMAZING!! I'm sure they don't pay her enough!

As you can see--the "views from the top" were incredible!! So glad we had this time to spend with Rob and Diane (although I don't know "where" any pics of Diane went??🙄) They are such a great couple and they have seen and done so much!! Easy to visit with and our time together just "flew by". Thanks for coming to NYC!!

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