Saturday, August 20, 2016

Going to Amish Country--Lancaster, PA

Our Saturday in Philly ( Aug 6, 2016) was an Adventure!! We left the Roses' apartment and headed out--towards Lancaster, PA --and more specifically--Kitchen Kettle Village. Lots of shops , lots of food to choose from and  . . . Buggy rides and Amish farm tours. Thought it sounded fun--so we made the arrangements and at 2:00 pm-- climbed aboard our Buggy with folks from Brooklyn, and Florida and we began our journey. We got going and our Guide decided that one of the horses had had enough for the day. So we "detoured" to the Farm where the horses for the buggy rides are kept and changed out for a "fresh" horse. . . And we got a new Driver/Guide whose name was Amos and he was Amish. ( our first Guide was not Amish). Finally got back on the road to "our Farm" and it was very interesting. Amish farms are very interesting--especially if they are "true Amish"-- where they have nothing "electric in the house--all is generated by gas" and the Farm equipment is not " "motor driven"--usually powered by animals. Often there are more than 1 generation living in the home--they really believe in taking care of their own. You can usually see their wash hung out on the clothesline. The Amish do not like you to take photos of them--but Amos said we could take his picture and agreed to a few photos of us and him. Here are some "highlights" of our tour.
Here we are with Amos--our Amish guide--who agreed to a photo with us

The equipment shed and the horse "equipment and tack"
Inside the "lounging shed"--home for the cows 

Milking parlor 

Some "nostalgia" for E Mumford as he remembered using this equipment in the milking barn back in Sandy, UT 

Some Amish youth on the farm had a "little side business" We couldn't "resist" buying a few items😄 

Inside the "equipment shed"

This is supposed to be a video--but can't get it to load--so we'll just "enjoy" the pic from inside the buggy😘 

It was a most relaxing day and we enjoyed being with Elder Greg and Sister Wendy Rose so very much!! We appreciate them and their hospitality SO MUCH!! Here is one last pic of our trip to Lancaster--and the "musical clock shop" where we purchased a clock for Betty Jo. Mumford some 15 years earlier--and it now hangs on our living room wall and . . . Running still!!
This little shop is still owned by the couple we bought our clock from. Amazing place!! I think I'll have "one of each"! 

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