Thursday, August 18, 2016

Friends in Philly

With our "Temple Break" nearing its end--we had ONE  more thing to do--visit Elder and Sister Rose on their "turf"--as Missionaries in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission. So we left our NYC apartment in "good hands--with Rob and Diane Prince" and headed down to Philly!! We tried a "new to us" mode of travel--the NEW JERSEY TRANSIT. Conclusion--not as nice as Amtrack--but a money-saver for sure!! We left promptly and arrived in pretty good time--even though SEPTA changed routes on us! But we got there and spent August 5-7 with these wonderful friends!
L to R--Sister Wendy Rose, Elder Greg Rose, E Mumford and S Mumford ( with downtown Philadelphia as our backdrop--and we have climbed the famous "Rocky Balboa stairs")

We saw wonderful sites in and around this very important "Cradle of Liberty" and the "City of Brotherly Love". Highlights included a new Museum about the U S Constitution, the Philadelphia Temple ( although we didn't take the tour--it was VIP week--but we are returning there Aug 22 as our Temple Missionary Group has planned to go to the Open House), Reading Market(named after that famous Reading Railroad--you know--from the Monopoly Board game😳--(which is pronounced "red-ding" btw), and a trip to Amish Country in Lancaster, PA. We really had a glorious time. Thanks Elder and Sister Rose!!

Enjoying "oysters" at Pearl's Oyster Bar inside Reading Market

Catholic Church "headquarters" in Philly

Philadelphia LDS Temple ( in Logan Square--downtown Philly)

L to R--S Mumford, E Mumford, Sister Wendy Rose, and Elder Greg Rose

Other buildings the LDS Church has built or will complete on this "Temple block" 

Those "famous" Rocky Balboa stairs ( although we found out that many in this City DO NOT like 
them to be described or remembered in that way😝)

"Rocky" statue 

Atop the "Rocky stairs"

Looking at the City Center from atop the "Rocky stairs"

We made it to the top!! Yay!!

Some very colorful Liberian Saint/sisters from the LDS Ward in Broomall where the Roses' attend Church. These members have "fled" Liberia and settled in this area of Philadelphia. They truly LOVE and so appreciate the Roses' for all that they do for them😀!!

View from the Rocky stairs to Downtown Philly 

More pics-- from Amish Country of Lancaster, PA--next Post😍!!

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