Saturday, October 29, 2016

Surprise!! We have to 'surprise' Grammy!!

There is just something "magical" about coming home from an early shift at the Temple and upon walking into your apartment Lobby, hear a voice say, "Emma". And as you turn your head towards the couch and chairs in that Lobby, see familiar faces--Kyle Mumford, Emma, little Hiro and Sachi Mumford, just sitting there. WHAT A WONDERFUL SURPRISE!! I had expressed the thought, as much to myself, as to anyone else around, that very morning, that FaceTime is great, to see faces and people, etc.  But I really just needed to "hold and squeeze" a grandchild for a few minutes. Then I think I'd be fine for a while. WOW!! Did I get my wish!! Thank you, Thank you!! E Mumford was "in" on this surprise--so when he arrived home a little later, due to a sealing assignment, S Mumford was truly in "Grammy mode" big time!! We did have a fun time with them--even though the weather had turned a little chilly and we had rain on Saturday. The other 2 days cleared up and we went for stroll in Central Park after Church and our lunch.  Monday's "focus" was on Emma and especially her love of ART. Here are some fun pics that illustrate this VISIT. There was a fun "video clip" of me "discovering" Kyle and family in our Apartment building lobby--but I can't get it to play after I load it--so I cannot include here. Anyway--they did "accomplish" their SURPRISE!!

A very good juggler in Central Park

The "art" of bubble blowing

"Rock climbing" in Central Park"

In front of "Rabbie Burns" aka Robbie Burns--famous Scottish poet
Papa Mumford, Emma and Grammy

Sachi, Emma, Kyle and little Hiro Mumford

Big Bird just "chilin'"

Atop "Balto" with Kyle and Hiro and Emma 

Hiro and Emma find the heaves fascinating and. . . 

Hiro wants to "bury " his Mother, Sachi, with leaves 

Hiro loves to be " read to"

Hiro on his own horsey on the CentralPark Carousel 

Emma holds on "tight"

Emma on her own horsey, too
Hiro, Grammy Mumford and Emma Mumford share a Carousel ride together 

This "double stroller" went so many places!! 

Emma made an elephant at the "clay bar" at the CMA ( Children's Museum of Art) 

Hiro plays with play dough 

Emma has fun "rolling her clay" into pieces to make her elephant 

Outside "Dylan's Candy Bar"--quite the collection of candy, cookies and ice cream
Not sure who enjoyed it more--Emma . . . OR Kyle!! 

Dad Kyle  coaches Emma at the clay bar (a very popular item in the CMA) 

The "family that plays together . . . Stays together"!!

Emma--doing her favorite thing at Papa & Grammy's-- drawing pictures!! She is actually very good at it!! Much detail!! 

It was such a wonderful visit from Kyle and Sachi and Emma and Hiro! We feel rejuvenated with "love" from our family and hope they had as good of a time as we did!! 
Sure do LOVE YOU!!!

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