Wednesday, October 12, 2016

One of the "hardest farewells" so far!!

Monday evening, Oct 3, 2016--all the current Temple Missionaries (there are 8 Couples and 2 Senior Sisters) plus the Temple Pres and Matron and the 1st Counselor and Assistant Matron--gathered in Pres and Sister Bennion's Apartment 4B for FHE and dinner. Usually we are gathered together once a month or every other month, depending on how busy the month is OR if there is a "Farewell" to one of the Missionaries. Well, this one was a "doozy" as it was a Farewell to 7 of our ranks!! Elder Paul and Sister Mindie Rogers, Sister Janice Wilson, Pres Steven  and Sister Marjorie Bennion, and Pres John And Sister Jenny Roberts will all be leaving the New York Manhattan Temple Mission within the next 3 weeks or so. Due to the "nature" of this Farewell, Sister Bennion just really wanted all of us to gather with them and have one last time together as "just Temple Missionaries". Lately the number of Missionaries in our building has grown to a whopping 34-- so we've had to move these FHE gatherings to the Ambassador Room on the 2nd floor of the Chapel that's "attached" to the Temple. It works really good--and the other missionaries really appreciate being included! But for this particular dinner--it was so very appropriate we be there as Temple Missionaries only. Each of the 7 who are leaving shared parting thoughts and testimony. My eyes were "wet" continually--but with Pres & Sister Bennion, I also had the biggest lump in my throat besides. Oh how we are going to miss them!!  They are the most wonderful, personable and caring people EVER!! They have served so faithfully--in so many different assignments--that I think they (especially Sister Bennion) are really looking forward to returning "home" which has been Washington, Utah (down near St. George, Utah) for the short time between serving as President of the New York New York South Mission for 3 years and then being called to be President and Matron of the New York Manhattan Temple--3 years ago. I am sure their family is really looking forward to their being home where they can visit without flying clear across the country to see them for a few days!!
Now a little bit more about the others departing:


They are from the Las Vegas, Nevada area. Served in the Las Vegas Temple then went to a 6-month mission in Palmyra New York Temple and now have served here in Manhattan Temple for 23 months! Very organized and efficient in all they do. They have been the "Missionary Fun/Group Activities' Irganizers for the past 18-months. See why we "hate" to see them go?? WE got their job--and we have such BIG SHOES to fill!!


She is from Wyoming--and was involved in Ranching/Farming beside her late husband, Grant Wilson. She has known our current Temple Pres and his wife Marjorie for many years. In fact, Pres Bennion worked, as a young man, on the ranch that the Wilsons' owned in Wyoming. Bro Wilson passed away about 6 or 7 years ago and Pres Bennion ( whose daughter married the Wilsons' grandson) contacted Sister Wilson and asked her to consider coming to serve a mission in the New York Manhattan Temple. She did . . . and has served a 12-month mission as one of the two Senior Single Sisters serving here. She is a real "workhorse" and will be sorely missed by all!!

From L to R-- Sister Mindie Rogers, Sister Janice Wilson, Elder Paul Rogers

Here are some other pictures from our evening together at the Bennions' apartment, 4B:
Our Wonderful "Temple Group" that will be changing "dramatically" by end of October 2016.
From L-R--very Back row:  Elder John & Sis Shellie Harris; middle row: Bro & Sis Roberts (Pres Robert's brother and his wife, visiting from New Zealand), Elder Ron & Sis Carol Mumford,
Elder Paul & Sis Mar Jean Lewis, Elder Tim & Sis DeEtte McKenna, Elder Richard & Sis Elaine Holloway, Sis Kathy Thompson, Elder Bob & Sis DeAnn Buchanan, Elder Terry & Sis Melba Grimley;
Front row: Pres John & Sis Jenny Roberts, Sis Janice Wilson, Pres Steven & Sis Marjorie Bennion,
Elder Paul & Sis Mindie Rogers (missing Pres Mark & Sis Dorothy Bench who were in Utah for New Temple President's training)

 And a few more pics from the Open House to honor Pres & Sis Bennion and Pres & Sis Roberts.

A Poem written about Sister Bennion and Sister Roberts by Sister Bench

3 very "ELECT LADIES" that we all love so much 

Our "retiring" Temple Presidency with Sister Janice Wilson 
In just about a week-- ( about October 21, 2016)--we will be "WELCOMING" the new couple--Elder Kent & Sister Barbara Heideman  and a Senior Single Sister, Sister Kathleen Nabors !! We will look forward to that meeting!!

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