Friday, October 21, 2016


So excited for this Post as we have enjoyed some wonderful visits from people we know and love during the month of September 2016.
First Visitors we "welcomed" to our "New York" home were the Whites, Scott & Chris White from Weston, Idaho and with them their traveling "friends and family" Scott's cousin and his wife from Boise, Idaho. It was just delightful to have them come for a Sunday evening, share some food (Philly Steak and cheese sandwiches, mango salsa and chips, fresh fruit and ice cream cake). Chris wanted us to share some information about how the Manhattan Temple became a reality and other interesting events surrounding that time. Fun to explore information available and were blessed with a Temple Missionary FHE just a few weeks before and heard some of this information from a Brother Malclom Draper, one of 3 Church representatives involved daily in the Temple project. (I will write more about how the New York Manhattan Temple came to be in a later Post). For now--let's just say how much we enjoyed that Sunday evening with this fun group of people. We almost always take people to our "Rooftop" (37 floors to the top) to see the city from that perspective. It is so beautiful at night!!
L to R--White, Marcy White, Chris White and Scott White  

L to R: White & Marci White, Chris & Scott White, Elder Ron & Sis Carol Mumford, Deanne & Scott Jefferies

We shared information about how Manhattan , New York was chosen as the "site" for the Temple in New York

We so enjoyed this evening!! 

Our other Visitors were also from HOME--Dayton, Idaho--even closer than Weston, Idaho.
Dee and Nancy Beskstead
On their way to the "Fall Foilage" Cruise that left from New York Harbor on Sat, October 1, 2016--they stopped by for a Temple Session on Friday afternoon, September 30th. After which we went out to dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant, Pomodoro--just down the street from our apartment on Columbus Avenue.

We got our Waiter to snap this shot.
Around the table, starting on the front L--E Mumford, Sis Mumford, Nancy Beckstead and Dee Beckstead. He is one of the sons of D Marcel Beckstead who moved his Dairy operation from West Jjordan, Utah just before our Farm moved from Sandy, Utah to Clifton, Idaho in 1979. 
A sideline about Marcel: when he found out we had been called to the Temple in New York City, he said he was "concerned for our safety". Advised us to be home by 6 pm and lock our doors! Good advice, dear Marcel!!

And then in Provo, Utah --many, many miles away from New York City--on September 29, 2016 our  
son, Bryce P Mumford received a "surprise visit" (well they did call ahead to make sure Bryce would  be home) from  our new Temple President Mark Bench and his wife and Temple  Matron, Sister Dorothy Bench. Pres & Sis Bench were in Utah for New Temple Presidents and Matrons Training in Salt Lake City. Sis Bench asked me before they left for this training, for Bryce's address in Provo. She said "I want to go visit and give him a "HUG" from his Mother." I protested, saying I was sure they had way too much to do in their time in Utah, to go and visit a"stranger" to them. She said she had siblings in Provo and she was going to visit them-- and besides, " He's not a stranger--I know his parents!!"  Even when they left, I still did not think this visit would happen --until I got the texts and emails from both Bryce and the Benches showing these pictures. THEN--I burst into tears!!

Bryce on his font porch to Welcome Pres & Sis Bench

Bryce with Pierce and Jane when Pres & Sis Bench visited them 

Pierce read "Llama Llama Nighty Night" to Pres Bench and Jane on the couch in his living room 

Pierce and Pres Bench together. He sent this message " Those are happy, bright, cuddly Mumford children". 

Sis Bench and Jane --she is "darling"!!

Sis Bench and Pierce--listening as he tells her all about school 

Bryce watching and enjoying " some fantastic people and great company" as he messaged me about the visit from the Benches. Pres Benches description--FUN FOLKS IN PROVO!!
I still cannot believe that they went to visit Bryce (and am so sorry that they could not meet Lissa, as she was away to an appointment),. They both knew of my concern for Bryce's health, as he "waits" for a new kidney. They were so kind to want to go and meet him and be able to bring back news that " he is doing the best he can"--But  as I told both Pres & Sis Bench in my email and just yesterday ((Oct 21st) when they returned to the Temple in New York, "I feel as though I've "been home to visit" and I thank you  both from the "bottom of my heart"!! They are truly amazing and wonderful people.
Truly some GREAT VISITS !! 

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