Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Jefferies--Scott and Deanne visit us in NYC --Sept 2016

September brought a little relief from the "Summer Scorching weather" and some FUN VISITS!! We have been waiting and hoping that our dear friends from Arizona would be able to visit us here in NYC.  Scott and Deanne Jefferies have faced some major health struggles with cancer that "resurfaced" for Scott about 18 months ago. He has endured several treatments and a full scan last Spring pronounced him "cancer-free", for now. So they began "tripping" and we were fortunate enough to get them here. We so enjoyed their visit!! Lifted us and made our hearts light. They came to the Temple and did some sightseeing on their own and we enjoyed some fun with them as well-9/11 Museum, Stardust Diner and a Broadway Play, "Holiday Inn". We also enjoyed a Sunday Evening with the Jefferies and were joined by our friends from Weston, Idaho, Scott & Chris White and Scott's cousin and his wife, who traveled to NewYork to enjoy an "Anniversary Get-a-Way." We tried "not" to wear them out--but we walked so much I think we did not succeed!
L to R: Scott & Deanne Jefferies, Sister Carol and E Ron Mumford

Deanne & Scott Jefferies in the Lobby of our Apartment building--at 2 Lincoln Square

Riding the Subway--in so many directions!!

A favorite wall/saying in 9/11 museum--trying to remember the color of the sky on that fateful September day in 2001
Deanne and Scott Jefferies outside the New York Manhattan Temple

The Stardust Diner where the Waiters sing and entertain the crowd as they enjoy their meals. These are wait staff trying to make it on Broadway--and this year 22 of them have been "called up". 

Deanne & Scott
Outside the Reflecting Pools at the World Trade Center memorial area. Very sobering place. 

We so enjoyed our time with these good friends!! They are sch great examples of Faith, Endurance and "Come what may . . . and love ( and embrace) it!! 
Truly would 💕💕 to have them come back, again!!

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