Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October endings

Well, October is ending and tomorrow is Halloween. How did that "happen"? My most favorite Season is in full swing and I've scarcely seen a pumpin or many fall decorations in our area. I did see some Indian corn, that made me pause for just a minute, as it hung on a little "fence" around an outdoor cafe whose days are waning as far as "outdoor patrons" are concerned. That is sad--as there is truly something charming about sidewalk cafes and the eclectic mix of people who frequent them. And we have so many around us in this part of Manhattan.  [A big sigh. . . ]-- Winter is going to be. . .  Boring. . . . and COLD!! . . .
By now Halloween 2016 has come and gone--but I keep "reviewing it" by visiting the wonderful pics that the families have sent me. So-o darling--I want to make them a part of this Post.

Top L to R- Grace, Hazel, Justice
Bottom L to R--Will, Gunn, Locke & Noah 
All Mumfords in SLC, Utah (Marc & Michelle)

L to R--Anslea, Hattie, Quincey Carol, Fielding and Abram
All Mumfords in Clifton, Idaho (Linc & Hollie)

Top to Bottom-- Max, McKay, Mitchell, lil' Miles, Mia, the whole Gang and Millie
All Mumford in Clifton, Idaho but transmitted via Providence, Utah (Duke & Kate)

L to R-- Bryce, Pierce, Owen, Jane and Lissa
The "Incredible" Mumfords in Provo,Utah

L to R-- Ian. Alexa, Cailin, and little Blake (in front)
All Mumfords in Bountiful, Utah ( but soon to be Logan, Utah)😄!  (Brad & Cassi) 

L to R ( clockwise)--Gideon, Melissa Jamie, Maggie and Porter 
All Wildes in Clifton, Idaho (Katie Marie & Sefton)

Batman  Emma and Superman Hiro
Both Mumfords in Erie, Pennsylvania (V. Kyle and Sachi) 

A very happy Noah--just couldn't resist this one!!

So that's a "WRAP" of Halloween 2016 
Celebrated from afar--but so grateful for Technology that brought all these "GRANDS"
Up Close and Personal to me this year as we serve here in New York City 

Hugs and Kisses 💋💕🎃🕸 
And a big thanks to Aunt Missy for her "collages" of all these pics!!

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