Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Change is a comin'

Our Temple Missionary schedule finished the 3-month rotation where we went on the mid-afternoon to evening time slot from June 1-to Aug 29th and now we are BACK on the Day schedule for the next 3 months which will go until Nov 26th. I wasn't sure how I'd like the "nights" but it was a nice change. It made for much more leisure mornings and we had "time" to get our exercising in a little easier. (Actually, it never seems "easy" to get that done--but we could get to it easier😉). But did we?? Some days--yes!! Actually Ron was much better than me!!
This Post is going to "highlight" more of the changes that are "on the horizon" for us and those serving here in Manhattan. In one of my last Posts---about our Missionary Outing to Philadelphia Temple I mentioned that when that Temple is dedicated and open for Temple work on Sept 20th or so-- our Manhattan Temple volunteer Ordinance workers living in certain areas of New Jersey are being assigned to the Philadelphia Temple District so they will no longer be attending or serving here. We will miss them tremendously--as they are some very faithful workers and Saints!! ( Then in December when the Hartford Connecticutt Temple opens its doors for Temple attendance--we'll lose some of our workers to the North). Our Temple Presidency has been working very hard to call new Temple Ordinance workers to fill these spots that are being vacated. So we see new faces and there are lots of new "trainings" going on. There are also some "changes" on the horizon that will affect us Temple Missionaries so much!! President Steven Bennion and his lovely wife ( and our Temple Matron) Sister Marjorie Bennion have been serving the New York Manhattan Temple for almost 3 years and will be completing this calling the end of October 2016.  Oh how we are going to miss them!! They have so made our first months of our Mission so enjoyable--they are always asking about our " adjustment" to Full-time mission life and how things are going in our family. We so love you, Pres and Sister  Bennion!
President Steven Bennion and Sister Marjorie Bennion
New York Manhattan Temple President and Matron, Nov 2013-2016

Along with that change--President John Roberts (1st Counselor in the Temple Presidency)  and his sweet wife Sister Jenny Roberts (Assistant Matron) will also be leaving the Temple Presidency and actually moving to the Massachusetts area, I believe. They are such a capable couple also--and have actually been serving the Manhattan Temple for over 12 years in various capacities--sacrificing a call to serve in their homeland of New Zealand to serve in this Temple Presidency!! They are such humble and dedicated servants and we will miss their quiet and unassuming ways to accomplish this great work in the Manhattan, New York area.
President John Roberts, 1st Counselor and Sister Jenny Roberts, Assistant Matron
New York Manhattan Temple Presidency, Nov 2013-2016

Our new Temple Pres (beginning Nov 1, 2016) will be current 2nd Counselor in the Temple Presc--Pres Mark Bench and his wife, Sister Dorothy Bench ( currently an Assitant Matron)
Pres Earl Markham Bench and Sister Dorothy Bench, Temple Matron
Beginning 1 November 2016
New York Manhattan Temple

Pres and Sister Bench will bring a rich knowledge of this greater New York area as they have lived and worked/served here for many years. One of his Counselors, Brother David Bean is a CES employee and has been assigned in the New York area for a long time. His other Counselor in this new Temple Presidency is Brother Kem Nixon, who, though not currently from the New York area , will bring a wealth of Church leadership and knowledge to this Temple district and beyond. So there is experience and "local" know-how at work among this new Presidency. We know the work of this Temple will continue to go forward and there is so much experience that will lend to an easy 
transitioning of these new leaders. We truly pledge our love, support and service in I whatever we are called to do or asked to do in the coming months. I guess this is as good a time, as any, to announce that we, with the Lord's guidance, have been asked and received permission from the Temple Missionary dept and the First Presidency (ultimately by the signature of Pres Thomas S. Monson) to "extend" our Mission here in the New York Manhattan Temple for an additional 5 months. That means starting right now-- we have roughly 17 months left to serve 😅!! I love and miss our family terribly, but both Ron and I feel this is where we need to be at this time (and longer) so we Go Forth With FAITH to Serve!! I know this is the Lord's work and feel so blessed to be called to serve here in the New York Manhattan Temple. The Lord truly guides the work in these Latter-days and I feel so blessed by ancestors who heard the gospel message in lands of the British Isles, Denmark, Scotland, Sweden, and the list goes on--and sacrificed to join with the Saints and many came to "Zion" to be among the "pioneers" as the Gospel of Jesus Christ sought refuge in the Tops of the Mountains and made the desert blossom as a rose.  I love this gospel so much and it guides me in all the things that I do. I know that Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ are guiding this work in these Latter-days and feel so blessed to be a part of it. The Book of Mormon is the Word of God revealed, restored and translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith for our day--and a vital and important part of the Restoration which the Prophet "ushered in" in this final dispensation of the world,  the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. We are all "hastening" the work and preparing for the Second Coming of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. A time when He will come again a "second time" in glory, honor and majesty to "rescue" those who are faithfully "waiting and watching" for this time when He does come again.  
"🎶I Wonder When He Comes Again" will I be ready there To look upon his loving face And join with Him in prayer? . . . . Then when that blessed day is here, He'll love me and he'll say, 
"You've served me well, my little child; Come unto my arms to stay." 
(Words and music by Mirla Greenwood Thayne, 1907-1997)! CHILDREN'S SING songbook p.82

I truly and sincerely bear this witness and testimony in the name of our Savior, Amen.

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