Saturday, August 19, 2017

Unexpected "Opportunity" to Explore the Palmyra, NY area

The "sudden closure" of the Manhattan New York Temple due to air conditioning problems 
August 11-14--prompted some very "adventurous friends", (i.e., Heidemans and Nabors) to plan a trip to Palmyra, New York area--and invite us to come along!! Kent Heideman's paternal Grandfather was a Presbyterian minister in the area of Romulus, NY which is a neighboring community to Fayette, NY and Palmyra, NY AND none of his siblings had ever been to this area to even see if the Church he preached in was even still there. So we rented a car, booked a room and set our "sites" on Palmyra area--going by way of the Church's Priesthood Restoration site near the Susquehanna River in Oakland Township, PA. We were "all in" for a very fun and spiritually rewarding trip over the next 2 full days!!°

There was a lot of talk about "Duck hunting" on this trip--became our "code" for "stopping to see anything you feel is of interest or importance". That worked out very well for all of us!! It was a very FUN TRIP

Kent Heideman & Ron Mumford inside the Isaac Hale home at Priesthood Restoration site

Our First stop--the Priesthood Restoration site in Oakland Township, Pennsylvania (what used to be called "Harmony, PA --on lovely Susquehanna  River's banks)

Ron & Carol at Priesthood Restoration site

The Church always does such a beautiful job of "welcoming " all who come to visit their sites!
Entrance to Priesthood Restoration site with Ron & Carol M

Tools of those early settlers in Harmony area

ENTRANCE to Priesthood Restoration site in Oakland Township, PA 

Susquehanna River as we "passed over it's bridge" from freeway in Oakland. Township, PA 

Cute picture of Kent (looking in the window) and Barbara Heideman trying to see more of this old Church in Romulus, New York where Kent's grandfather was a Presbyterian minister in early 1900's--
It was so exciting to make this "FIND" for Kent--as that was one of our purposes for taking this fast trip to Palmyra, NY area 

 Whitmer Farm, Fayette, NY 

 Old Smith Farmhouse  near Sacred Grove, Palmyra, NY 

Carol & Ron below the Angel Moroni at top of Hill Cumorah, near Palmyra, NY 

From on top of The Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, NY 

Near Erie Canal in Palmyra area of New York 

Elder and Sister Mumford with Erie canal as  "Backdrop " in Palmyra , NY area 

Outside Palmyra New York Temple 
L-R--Ron & Carol Mumford, Kathy Nabors, Barbara & Kent Heideman 

Breakfast near Erie Canal 
Ron & Carol M, Kent H and seated in front Kathy N

Amish Farmer, Chris' Chicken Farm in Romulus, New York (very close to Fayette , New York 

More of the Amish Chicken farmer's "craftsmanship"
Chris "

Another Amish Farm in Romulus, New York area--this one where delicious baked goods and garden produce were purchased. Cute story about the 2 girls in the pony cart. We had been to their farm where there was a "roadside basked goods/produce shop" and had purchased several items. Kent Heideman had engaged the one girl in conversation (not easy to do--as the children must be taught to be "careful of strangers" or so it seems) and had asked this young girl where they went to Church. She told him they have their meetings in homes of the Amish people in the area--but that there were 
several Churches in the main area of Romulus, NY, which is where we were. He told her what he was "searching for" and she shared that she thought it was right on the road leading into the center of the town. He thanked her and we got back in our car and headed down the road to find this Church.  It was probably about 1-2 miles down the road and we "found it"!! Well,  as we are taking puctures of the Church and the Heidemans and the yard--we see this little pony cart across the street--the SAME CART AND LITTLE SHETLAND PONY we had just seen "unhitched and in the barn" not more than 10-15 minutes ago!! Turns out that Kent, after paying for his goods, had left them there. And based on what information they had shared with Kent about the Church and it's location--these girls had "hitched up" the cart and came to "find us"!! Talk about "Love  your neighbor AND going the extra mile"!! They had been taught well!

Above and Below pics of Erie Canal near Palmyra New York Temple 

A very "teary" Carol M--after viewing "Video #2 about the Restoration of the Church" --this one shown at Fayette, NY 
This is one of her "FAVORITE SCRIPTURES ever" --it applies to so many aspects of life 

Perfect "barn" for the Amish family we bought such yummy baked items from--it was full of work horses (just in from the field) 
 and a milking cows' section . His children were getting ready to milk the cows 

Kent and Barbara Heideman in front of the Presbyterian church (in Romulus, NY) where Kent's paternal  Grandfather Heideman was a Minister/Preacher. Even tho For Sale--there were meetings "advertised so we thought it still in use today

Taking a few moments to reflect on this wonderful Church site 

The Sacred Grove, Palmyra, NY 

 One of everyone's "highlights" of this trip were the Amish farms  and their people. We even "doubled back" on our route home to make " one more stop" to "see the Chicken project" and to buy more from the baked goods and garden produce.  It truly was a "quick trip" but we sure accomplished much of our Agenda and found we did "take time to smell the roses" and truly enjoyed each others' company!! Thanks to great Missionary Friendships and memories made!!


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