Tuesday, August 15, 2017

More "Mumfords" arrive in NYC🍎!! Hooray!!

We have been so-o excited to "see" our children come to NYC--some coming as couples --Brad n Cassi in Oct '16 , Katie Marie n Sef in May '17 and hopefully Bryce n Lissa coming Oct '17; some alone as Missy has come in Dec '16, May '17 and planning to come Nov '17, Marcus in Apt '17 and then in May'17 with Grace and Hazel and Katie Marie and Maggie in July '17; some as entire Families with Kyle n Sachi in Oct '16, Dec '16 and May '16; and then Duke n Kate in Mar '17---Oh it has been so GRAND to anticipate and actually get to be with them all here on our Mission!!
Now Linc n Hollie and family are expecting to arrive on Saturday, July 22, 2017!!. (They actually landed on Wed, July 19th--but spent time with Arlo and Kara Westin (Hollie's sister) for a few days). We know EVERYONE has made sacrifices in different ways to be with us and we so LOVE ❤️ you for that!!
Linc's family "waiting at the airport" in Salt Lake City, Utah 
Boarded and "Waiting for take-off to. . . NYC"!!

Jet lag. . . Poor fellas--but at least they can sleep "anywhere"

"Up on the Roof" of Two Lincoln Square Apts--where Papa & Grammy Mumford live

On the Subway--going out to Rego Park 1st Ward (in Queens) where Papa & Grammy serve on Sundays--getting there is ALWAYS an Adventure!!
After our meetings in Rego Park 1st Ward--our friend and "camera buff" wanted to get a few pics of us with our "visiting Family". So here we are with Yoshi  (and a little friend)  just as we 
plan to leave for the Subway ride home 
Just outside the chapel in Queens --what a lovely day we had!!

Our Sunday evening "walking activity" after we subwayed up to Washington Heights--we walked the trail to the Hudson River and found the Little Red Lighthouse under the Great Gray (George Washington)  Bridge (we later read the little story written about this very same Lighthouse and  Bridge by Hildegard Swift) 

Looking across the Hudson to New Jersey 

All of us at the Little Red Lighthouse 
From L to R: Papa Mumford, Grammy M, Anslea, Hattie,, Abram, Hollie and Quincey, Fielding and Lincoln Mumford 

Grammy M (aka Sister M) with 5 sweet and wonderful Grands gathered around 

Anslea found a seat on top of this big rock!!

 This group of "Visitors" got more of our "undivided attention" as they came at a time when we didn't have as much of a Temple Schedule  to work around due to the Temple being closed for its Summer Maintenance. But we did have to be in the Temple on Monday morning, July 24th, to do our "pre-cleaning" which is the small and tedious jobs that the Commercial Cleaners do not have time for or just don't want to be bothered with--I am not 
sure. But--that was the morning Linc and Hollie planned their visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island--so it all worked out great. We were able to meet them in Brooklyn that afternoon for an early dinner at Grimaldi's Pizza Place and then we walked the Brooklyn Bridge  back to Manhattan. It was such FUN!! There were trips to the   American Museum of Natural History (or AMNH for short).p and a short Ferry ride out to Governor's Island . The Girls had "Tea Time" at the American Girl Cafe and the Guys went to  Yankee  Stadium to see the Yanks play  ( that was a hard thing) for Abram😖. But Linc's whole family went Saturday evening out to CitiField Stadium to watch the New York Mets stage a "COME FROM BEHIND VICTORY" with a "walk-off homer over the Oakland A's ( High-  fiving people they didn't even know!) --and that was definitely worth the price of admission!
On our "excursion"  to Governor's Island we rode bikes, climbed rocks, watch ed Lady Liberty  while we ate lunch and then explored inside Castle William and then played a very "antiquated" game of golf ! But hey--it was FREE!! There was also "Lion King" on Broadway and Temple Baptisms for Fielding--it was such a "variety of
memorable experiences" that will long be remembered. . . By us all!!

At the AMNH--there is so much to SEE AND DO !! 
They loved the African mammals area!! 
L-R: Papa M, Hattie (standing) Anslea, Grammy M, Quincey on Field's shoulders and Abe

Linc and Hollie's whole family just inside the entrance to the AMNH 
The dioramas in this Museum look "so real" that you almost forget there is glass "separating you from what you are looking at"--like you could walk right into them. 

Not afraid of these Lions!! ( but they do look real!) 
Anslea and Hattie 

Basket Display 
Anslea, Field, Hattie and Quincey

AMNH--under the huge Outrigger Canoe
L-R: Hattie ( in stroller) Hollie, Abram, Anslea, Field and Quincey ( in stroller)
 Whole family at the Amazing Mets Game  at CitiField Stadium 

Da Fellas at the NY Yankees game 

AMNH --Linc & the boys and Teddy Roosevelt

Oh what FUN at Lion King on Broadway!! 

Papa and Grammy on Governor's Island 

We even had a "Christmas in July breakfast" on July 25th  fixed and served by Lincoln and Hollie!! What a treat!! 

Hattie, Anslea and Field

Fielding and Lincoln just inside the NY Manhattan Temple's front door--with a brother they did work with in the Baptistry for his Dad and Granddad. He was part Swedish, part South American and part Indian 

Lady Liberty Junior Ranger Swearing-in ceremony 

On Governor's Island with Lady Liberty behind them: l-r-- Papa M, Grammy M, Hattie and Anslea 

AMNH--Abe is so in his element!!

PROOF that the NY Mets "came from BEHIND to WIN!! What a HIGHLIGHT for All!! 
" It's Tea Time at the American Girl Cafe in NYC"

L'il Quincey Carol loved all the Dollies and playhouse
Hattie says "Come on in, you are Welcome here!" 
Anslea and her Doll are 
" happy to be here!" 

Governors Island is a 172 acre island in the heart of New York Harbor. It’s only 
800 yards from Lower Manhattan, and even closer to Brooklyn. It is a world unto itself, unique and full of promise.

On Governor's Island
Lunch on the grass--looking out across the water and seeing "Our Lady Liberty" ( although you can't see her in this pic) 
 On Governor's Island getting "outfitted" for a bike ride 
At the entrance to Castle William on Governor's Island 

 Hattie and Anslea  just finishing a FUN HOLE of golf!
All of us on our bikes--so enjoying the tranquility and respite from the bustle of New York City 

Abe and Field, each vying for the hole!! And Papa M and Linc both looking on!! 
Around the corner from the Blazing Saddles Bike rental shop   

We brought a picnic so we could just relax and eat there on the Island 

More golfing and girlies

A look across the water to Manhattan  and New Jersey 
Can't come to NYC and not visit Lady Liberty! 

WalkThe Brooklyn Bridge ((in the last pic on the right) L -R: (back) Papa M, Fielding, Lincoln, Abram, Grammy M, Hollie (front) Quincey, Hattie, and Anslea      
A " selfie of our Group" because people seemed "too busy for our Request" that someone stop to take our picture😢 (except Quincey--who is in her stroller--asleep ) 
Hattie, Grammy and Anslea waiting for the Subway on 81st St --to take us to the American Girl Cafe 
for "Tea"

Quincey, Grammy M, Hattie and her Doll, Anslea and her Doll in the "Daisy Room"

Quincey really liked having her Doll sit "at the table" 

Hattie and Quincey inside the Bike Trailer on Governor's Island 

Papa and Grammy riding bikes too!!  

Quincey taking a "rest" after lunch in those BIG ADIRONDACK CHAIRS scattered among the grassy areas on the Island 
With 3D glasses--waiting for the Hump-back whales show at AMNH 

Inside Castle William on Governor's Island 

Lunch-time on Governor's Island 

 And that 's just a "glimpse" (I know, folks--a glimpse you say--  40+ pics later??)  of all the FUN we had with this Family as they visited us for 6 very short days in July!!
I must also mention that the Saturday morning they arrived--Papa M, Hollie,  Lincoln and Fielding went to the Baptistry at the New York Manhattan Temple with 7 or 8 Family File cards so Fielding could be baptized and confirmed for these "distant Cousins" that Papa M found in his Family Search effort that he spends hours each week working on. Grammy M stayed behind with the others --Abe, Anslea, Hattie and Quincey--to hopefully get "Q" (as they so sweetly call Quincey) to "warm up to her" and let her hold and kiss her sweetness!! And to do something Grammy has missed so-o much--play games with . . . Anybody-but especially the GRANDS!!  Oh how we LOVE our Family and Visitors from home!!
 At the end of the trip--actually Linc's family  saying GOOD BYE to Papa and Grammy 
as they ( Papa & Grammy) depart before Linc's family--for the "rest of the Maintenance Break's"TRIP To the 2  Temples (Montreal and Halifax)  in Eastern Canada --
"TAKE care, Be safe and. . . Have a GOOD LIFE"

WE LOVE YOU ALL!!  Thanks for coming!! 

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