Friday, August 18, 2017

"CANADA". . . The rest of the Temple Summer Break 2017

Our "Temple Visits"
top l-r --Hartford Connecticut, Halifax Nova Scotia
bottom--Montreal Quebec 
Before I begin this Post and possibly the next one--I just want to "preface" what I recount here--with one of Ron's "observations" about our Mission and our time here in New York City. As we have been working and serving AND planning this Break--he has said several times " This is the BEST mission!! Where else can you serve where you get 2 weeks "off" in the Winter and then 2 more weeks "off" in  or around Summer that you are encouraged to use for some rest and relaxation??Perhaps now you are saying, "Sign Me Up"??!!  (We do work/serve long hours here--up to 7 hours a day--5 days a week--in the Temple and most of the day on Sunday in a Ward outside of Manhattan-so we do appreciate this time to rest/relax).
We DO have to file a travel/permission form if we are going to leave our Temple District geographical area--but usually if our Temple President approves what we request--the Church's Temple Department over Missionaries will approve it also. So we have enjoyed going to Temples and Church History sites in different areas.  The last half of this Summer's Break we decided to go North--up into Eastern Canada--to visit  Temples in Montreal and Halifax--and then go to the Hartford Connecticut Temple as we came "back" into New York. What an absolute wonderful time we had!!
These Temples run somewhat "limited schedules" of times they are open--so we had to be creative as we tried to plan when we could or would be in that area for a Temple Session . That's one of the reasons we left a half-a-day earlier than planned ( so it seemed like we were "rushing away" from the very people (Linc's family)we had waited so long to come to New York--but we had to sort of "re-route" our trip to be able to get to all 3 of these Temples. So--saying our Good Byes and Hugs and Kisses to this sweet family--we headed out our door for Penn Station and the New Jersey Transit (train) and our first stop---White Plains, NY--to pick up our Rental Car. It seems that getting "out of the City" allows more flexibility in price and Return times. And it worked really well. We were on our way to Plattsburgh, NY--where we would spend the night--prior to entering Canada the next morning.  It was an UNEVENTFUL ENTRANCE (good, you say) past the Border, showing our PassPorts and declaring our REASON to visit and length of stay. Kind but professional personnel there. We headed to Montreal (city of Longueuil, Quebec is actually where the Temple is located). Greeted by such kind and good people!! Nothing better than that!! In the Endowment Session--once all are seated-- they ask "How many speak French?  Raise of hands--then ( well, I "kinda know French--but never have had an actual experience outside of 6 years of Textbook French) but I raise my hand. Brother in charge " counts us" then he asks the same question about English--and Raise of hands. Majority--FRENCH--so he now asks how many would like a headset for translation into English? Ron raises his hand ( but he doesn't do English--he listens in Italian). Well--since I have already "tipped my hand" in favor of French--I DECLINE the English headset offer. Oh my, you say--"How'd that work out"?? Great experience!! Absolutely PERFECT FRENCH--and because I was familiar with the proceedings--it went well.  I had a wonderful experience!!  But it may have made me "overconfident" as we head into Quebec and surrounding area--and these people sort of speak their "own kind of French"-- affectionately called "Quebe'cois"--and I'm not understanding much of anything anymore😢😩. Thankfully, many do speak English--so we did OK. But it was a thrilling experience, nonetheless !! We went to dinner--actually a French-experience--as it was French Fondue --J'ai passe' un moment  merveilleux!! It was like what I imagine a small cafe' in Paris just might be like. We had a serenade (by a strolling musician) of La Vie en Rose and other French numbers. Needless to say--I got BOTH OF OUR MONEY'S WORTH!! ( good thing, Ron says as he pays the Bill💋)

I won't go into that much detail on the rest of the trip--except to say it was the "neatest 2,400 miles of adventure, beautiful scenery, never-to-be-forgotten scenes and experiences " with the Best Mission
Comp ever!! Here are some Highlights:
I found this "recap" of part of the first few days of our trip--just thought I'd share 

some of it here. 

We have been traveling much of the day (Sunday, July 30th after we went to Sac Mtg in Quebec) and it is 6:35 pm and we are still 94 miles from our stop for the night. (Moncton, New Brunswick -- which is about 60-70 miles from Prince Edward Island--our venue for tomorrow).  Still "basking" in the Activities of our "all day to Old Town Quebec" yesterday--bike ride by St Lawrence River, (it's a wonder the man would even rent to me--as I fell off my bike right in front of him while I was trying to get him to understand there was something wrong with the bike 😩) and then shops and entertainment  in the  Old City below La Citadelle and Governour's Promenade as 434 steps took us up to view this quaint little city below.
Best time ever!  Dad just let me "soak up" this French experience and I truly feel like I've been to "Par--ree"--oui oui!! So fun!!
This is such a marvelous opportunity to do this!! 
We have now arrived--and it feels good to "be out of the car"!!💋🇨🇦


Robert Frost Farm in Derry, NH--Frost wrote many of his poems ( especially the ones Ron LOVES--in the 10+ years he lived here in Derry
Robert Frost Farm in Derry, New Hampshire

"A tall tuft of flowers. . . . "~ Robert Frost

Prince Edward Island-- what an absolutely "magical place"!! 
We went to Green Gables and "found Anne (with an E) and she was delightful 
 Ron got to Golf on the Island-- his "reward" for allowing so much Anne of Green Gables "searching"-- a beautiful course called Glasgow Hills
We stayed at the Lookout Inn--a BnB that was so beautifully situated  with a view of a lake down the hill 

After leaving Prince Edward Island (P.E.I. as the Locals call it) (we drove our car right up onto a huge Ferry and crossed the water over to Nova Scotia). I didn't get a pic of it but this is what these Ferries look like--they are truly HUGE ! But they can sure move thru the water FAST!! 

The roaring Atlantic Ocean at Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in Halifax, Nova Scotia 

Outside the Hartford, Connecticut Temple 

The Montreal Quebec Temple 

The "French Experience " dining at La Tyrolienne  in Quebec 

And for dessert--Chocolate Fondu--yumm

Beautiful Night!!

On the patio of the Restaurant 

L'entrance de La Tyrolienne 

Riding bikes along the St Lawrence River in Old Quebec 

Strolling the streets of Old Quebec 

Scene from the porch of The Lookout Inn on Prince Edward Island 

The "Trois Flags" of Old Quebec 

Lucy Maude Montgomery--author of "Anne of Green Gables" and several other stories/books.  

Looking down from the top of the old Governor's Palace in Old Quebec City, CA 
We were both amazed that the owner of the Bike Shop would even rent  to me--as I "fell off my bike" , right in front of him, whilst trying to help him understand  that there was something not right with the bike! Well this turned out to be a mistake--as his REMEDY was to take OFF my cushy seat and replace with a skinny hard one!!  Live and Learn!!

Beautiful lakes and scenes and memories in Old Quebec 

It was a trip where we saw and did and drove so much--but we are blessed by the opportunity to do so!! 

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