Sunday, May 7, 2017

How can it be APRIL--already???

April has "rolled in" and General Conference is already passed and EASTER is just around the corner.
We got this "delightful email" a few mornings ago:
Grab your cameras and get to Central Park before the next storm blows them away.
Chicken Little

This is actually Elder Terry Grimley's email!! He is a runner and runs almost every day in Central Park (some people are so dedicated) and he gave us this "heads up"!! Thanks, Terry!!

So-o-o. We did, sorta
These are pics of 5 "separate, different" trees/areas of Central Park. So, yah--the trees are blossoming!!!


Don't know any of these people--but they were standing in front of this "gorgeous collection of blossoms"-- so they got in my pic!!

So the days went by after the announcement and we just couldn't "Find our Way" for a walk in the Park. So Friday, April 28, 2017--with Friday being our "late" morning to be to Temple at 11:00--I set off early to find the Gardens ( on my own--risky😉) at 6.:45 am. Ron had "mapped" out my route and I even have a Central Park App on my phone. But, alas, I still got "lost", sorta, and finally by going up 5th Avenue--I entered the Conservatory Gardens through the Vanderbilt gate. I first saw the Fountain and went to the English gardens first.
Vanderbilt Gate 

The Fountain 

Garden layout 

English Gardens

Love the "contrast" of the green hedge against the colorful flowers

Tulips are some of my favorites

The next stop I made in the Gardens was at the Versailles Gardens, opposite of where I started out. These flowers were a little "disappointing" to me, as last years' were such vibrant beautiful colors of purple, pink and red. Now this years" are salmon and white. I also think I was "after" the peak--and the flowers had been hit by rain for a day or so. But still--impressive that you can get huge Gardens to BLOOM at the same time!! 
The "North Gate" to the Gardens aka The Emily Mumford Gate. She was a Sociologist known for her work on the effect of psychotherapy in lowering later medical care costs. A professor at Columbia University and died in 1987 from complications of a brain tumor. 

Looking out of North Gate--picturesque scene across the lake 

Sculpture in the Italian-designed garden 

On my way to the Conservatory Gardens--I got a little "lost"-- but it was worth it--as I discovered a Swedish Marionette Cottage with these garden patches all around it 

I'm "terrible" at selfies!!

I could have pulled up a lounge chair and stayed here all day. Secluded, beautiful and quiet

I "returned" to my path that led me out of the Park. What a glorious morning--but I was "Dead-tired" as I made my way down Central Park West Avenue From 86th  St to 66th Street. After going  just under 6 miles-- I arrived home 2hrs 45 min after I set out. But I made it to see one of my favorite spots in Central Park!

BUT--look at what Logan Temple grounds have to offer--complimented by Cailin Celine Mumford in the foreground.  (She is on a Daddy-Daughter date with her Dad, Brad)

There's more pics of our beautiful Central Park . . .  to come!! 

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