Sunday, May 7, 2017

Marcus visits over Easter weekend

We had a treat for Easter-- Marcus "quasi-surprised us with a week-end visiit to the Big🍎--where he used to work several years ago.  He had business in town and we were delighted to see him!! He got into the City 'bout 8:00 am and ״craashed" in our apartment while we did our service in the temple until we met up and went downtown with him for an interview with a PBS documentary programmer called Frontline. They are producing a program to air mid-May about the Bundy family and their dealings with the Federal Government over land-use and Government "over-reach" of such land-use. Marcus represented Ammon Bundy in a case in Oregon regarding a "take-over" of a Gov owned bird refuge. Frontline is hopefully trying to tell both sides of this matter and the "underlying current" of discontent of those whose land is being affected.
After we finished there--we went in search of a pizzeria voted #2 in the Nation, called "John's of Bleeker Street". We walked through villages of Chelsea and Greenwich that I had not been before. Beautiful calm Springtime night!! Marcus kept saying how 'rejuvenating' it was to be here in New York and seeing some familiar places he used to go.
Outside "John's of Bleeker Street" ( sounds more like a London pub than a NYC Pizzeria)

Up on the Roof of our Apt building

Central Park just starting to "burst into color"

The Obelisk--erected in Egypt in 1200 BC -- now found in CP 

We "think" we found the tree that Marcus "trimmed" with a chainsaw 'cause the limb kept " getting in the way of the frisbee game"

What a wonderful time to be together!! 

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