Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Bob and Penny Wright family come to NYC☄️!!

When we received this Mission Call in Sept 2015--Ron was still working at LSB and he saw Bob Wright almost daily. After things had "settled down" for us and we were going through our lists of "get done before you leave" --and Ron was sharing with our friends and family that in our apartment in New York though it was only a 1-bedroom apt--we did have, we were told, a very "nice" sofa-sleeper and several missionaries had "inflatable mattresses that could be borrowed when company came to visit. He encouraged those who wanted to come--to stay with us--it seems it was OK with our Temple President eat all. So Bob approached him and asked if he and Penny and some of their family planned a trip to NYC--could they stay a few days with us? SURE!! And so the plans began and on April 22, 2017--the Wrights (Bob, Penny and 2 daughters, Sarah and Holly) flew into NYC and rented a car and drove immediately to Palmyra, NY for  a few days. Then they came to NYC on Monday, April 24th and began the rest of their NY Adventure with the Mumfords. We, of course, had our Temple duties--so we could only do things with them at night. So we met them for pizza at Patsy's--well-known in NY for great pizza. It had rained most of the day--so they decided that morning it was a Museum Day. But they were hoping to get to both the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (aka The Met). Well--the AMNH is huge and quite hard to find your way around inside--so the Wrights spent a lot of time "finding each other"-- which ate up their day. So--no Metropolitan Art for them. The next day they took the STATEN ISLAND ferry ( which is free) and it went out around the Statue of Liberty--so they got to see it without incurring any cost or lines. Pretty smart way to see something so iconic to NY. Then they went to the area of 9/11 but got a little "lost" so they didn't have too much time there for they had Matinee tickets to see 'Wicked' and truly wanted to be ON TIME to that. Well--they were--just barely! After the play--we met up with them to take in Ellen's Stardust Diner--famous for it's singing Broadway "wannabes" Wait staff. It was great--they performed so many songs we knew--it was FUN!! We then " wandered" around the Downtown area--showing them the M & M store, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, Grand Central Station, and locating the Empire State Building. Fun night, great weather and a good group to be with. On the way home-----we stopped for some great New York cheesecake samples from Europan and enjoyed that in our apartment. Next morning, Bob and Penny went to do a Temple session and left Sarah and Holly to sleep in. Then they left  to return home via JFK Airport. It was great to have them here and we loved it!!!
Inside Grand Central Station

At Ellen's Stardust Diner

In the famous 'corner' in GC Station where you can hear the person across the way--talking in a normal voice and range

Holly really got into "Good Morning, Baltimore!" From Hairspray

The Wrights (L-R) Bob, Penny, Holly, me and Sarah with Empire State Building in the background 

Inside the Diner listening/watching a WaitStaff member singing her song 

We sure enjoyed the Wright family!! So glad you could come to NYC🍎 for a visit. Didn't get to see EVERYTHING?? You'll have to COME BACK!!!

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