Sunday, April 9, 2017

HERE! The "Duke & Kate Mumfords" are in NYC!!

Well, me thinks March has gone out "like a lion" because of the "flurry of activity" that has gone by. We have so "anxiously" been awaiting the new "house guests " of these last few days--for weeks!! And now they are HERE!!
Waiting "patiently" for the Rental car so they can head to Palmyra, NY,  for a day! They were "linking up" with Kyle and Sachi Mumford and kids for a very quick look at some important and special places in that great area of Church history, i.e. The Sacred Grove, the Hill Cumorah, E.B. Grandin building to name a few.

Then they "headed back" to New York City for some time with "Grammy & Papa" aka Elder and Sister Mumford!!  Oh what a reunion--at 1:00 am!! Kisses, hugs and tears!! Then off to bed!! 
"Rub a dub dub" 3 boys in a bed!!

Millie and Mia sharing another bed
We had "wall to wall" beds--well, not really that bad--but we utilized the room we had well!! (Our good friends the Holloways, had 17 people in their apartment for Spring Break visitors. Whew,,) Little Miles had a "cozy room" in the kitchen with a Blackout curtain across the opening of our "pass-through Bar and then closed the louvred doors into the kitchen itself. Worked pretty well--except we couldn't access the fridge at will. A "give 'n take" of a small apartment.

The next day while we were doing our service in the Temple--these guys were off to Central Park and looking around some close places to where we live.

Lion King was the "BIG" activity for their first night in NEW YORK CITY

Bring on the program! 

The animals in this production are incredible!! 

Papa & Grammy got to tend Little Miles in their apartment--Papa had the magic touch and Miles really warmed up to him (😢 To Grammy's dismay)!!

Proof that you really are in NYC!!

Outside the One World Tower Observatory down by 9/11 Museum and Plaza

Grammy, Mia and Millie on the Bus to American Girl Place near Rockefeller Center for TEA
In the "Daisy Room" at the American Girl Cafe 

With MIA, Kate and Millie and the Visiting "Dolls" we picked up as Our Guests 

The "food" was the perfect size for Tea-- miniatures of such tasty bites. Millie really liked the "mini hot dogs" and Mia wanted 1 of everything on her plate. 

Then we left American Girl to meet the guys at Ellen's Stardust Diner (where the Waitstaff are Singers hoping to be on Broadway--SOON!!  Lots of Fun--if you can manage the wait time--ours was over an hour!! But--we got in!! 

Max and McKay with Papa at their table

We requested a song from "Lion King" and since we were upstairs some of the singers came up to sing to little Miles and Mother Kate and Papa looking on.

Mitchell and Mia

Outside the Diner for a family group shot 

After the Diner--the "Boys"-- Papa, Mitchell, Max and McKay--are off to Madison Square Garden for the Final Basketball game of the NIT Tournament . Quite a memory!! (Duke is taking the picture) 

 Millie found a place to "rest" in Central Park 

Next day--bad weather caught them on the way out to see Lady Liberty. On the Island, now wearing rain ponchos, and looking like "specters"-- the family poses in front of the Lady Liberty statue -- making a very wet memory!! 
 Inside the "Great Hall" at Ellis Island 

Just getting ready to board the Ferry back from Ellis Island 

Friday night it was BASKETBALL at the Church next to the Temple--a request from McKay. We found the Pelo boys, who just live around the corner on 65th St--and they LOVE basketball!! And Millie, Mitchell, Mia and Miles, found some fun toys to entertain them!! Great night!!

Sat morning, since the Temple closed for  General Conf,  Papa and Grammy were able to join this Crew for some interesting fun at the American Museum of Natural History. A brisk walk up Central  Park West Avenue  

One of the first "requests" to go find, from the movie "Night at the Museum, was this rock sculpture/formation from Easter Island. The ever infamous "DUM DUM" ,, 

The Blue whale
On Display

McKay and one of the exhibits he wanted to find--T-Rex! 

On the Brooklyn Bridge about half way back across --it was pretty crowded that day even for it being    a tad "chilly"

Brooklyn Ice Cream (near the Bridge) and "way more Cream than 'ice'--BEST EVER!! 

Close to The Bridge (Brooklyn) with the Manhattan Skyline in our background. Just getting ready to "Walk the Bridge"

Catching yet another ride--on the Subway. Such a unique experience, especially for a 4-yr old, (who is peering from the stroller)  that it's documented she asked why they weren't going on the Subway one morning after returning to 
Clifton, Idaho😄!! 

Our Subway ride took us North--in search of the "Little Red Lighthouse , made famous by the 
Children's book about this Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge (the George Washington Bridge
A delightful story about a place we could visit--right here in NYC


Papa & Grammy Mumford aka Elder & Sister Mumford

L-R (from the top) Papa Mumford, Max, Grammy Mumford, Mia, McKay, Kate, Mitchell, Millie, and Duke, holding Miles Duke 

Little Miles, happy as a clam digging in the sand and rocks

 Kate and kids below the Little Red Lighthouse 

The Little Red Lighthouse "dwarfed by" the G W Bridge aka the Great Gray Bridge 

Grammy Mumford "amidst" 6 of her delightful "Grands" 

Returning back to our Apartment in Manhattan--and who do we see?? 
(And Duke just had to have a picture--with his family 

Up on our Roof--one of the BEST views in New York!! 

On the Roof with Manhattan skyscrapers in the distance 

This sweet display right inside our apartment--made even better by Kate and the lovely "vinyl message" she had made and brought with her and put up while I was at the Temple on Friday. Such a wonderful message to greet us each day as we come and go Out our door .
Thanks, Kate!! 

Duke and Kate and kids as they are departing to head to the Airport. Oh it was hard to say "Good by--so much so--that we "helped " them from 66th and Lincoln Center  Subway station to 59th and Columbus Circle --and then. . . They went on without us!! 
We won't say "Good By" only "So long, for now" 
THANK YOU FOR COMING--we loved every minute!! 

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