Sunday, May 22, 2016

Yet ANOTHER FIRST--New York Mets v Washington Nationals Baseball Game

May 19, 2016-- We went to our "first" Major League Baseball Game in New York-- out to Citi Field to see the New York Mets play. One of our Temple Missionaries, Robert Buchanan, is a real Mets fan-- as is our Temple President, Steven Bennion. So Bro Buchanan sent out an invitation to any of us who are on the Temple morning shift to take in a game before we switch to the evening shift. There were 3 couples who went--us, the Buchanans and the Calls. Pres Bennion would have really loved to have gone--but he and Sister Bennion had the "early" Temple duty that morning--where they open the Temple early (5:00 am) to prepare for early sessions and Baptistry appointments)-- which means they get up about 3:30 or so. So they were extremely tired as their schedule was so full--they didn't even get a nap after they left the Temple at 2:30 pm that afternoon. So he didn't think it would be very wise to try to go with us in the evening.--but his "heart" was with us!!!
Our "Mets Fan Group"l-r--Mumfords, Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan and Steve and Janean Call

Look at all those Subway cars!! Is this where they come at night, to sleep??!!!

This stadium is pretty good sized

Walking in toward Citi Field from the LIRR 

Bro Steve Call and Bro Bob Buchanan in their "New York" hats 

The "view" from our seats--right down 3rd baseline 

Elder Mumford " taking a picture"  of Sister Mumford taking a picture of the Arthur Ash Tennis Stadium at Flushing Meadows, NY--where the US Open is played each year. It's in the same general area as Citi Field

We took the 1 Subway to Penn Station where we got on the LIRR (Long Island RailRoad line) out to 
the Ball park-- which is called Citi Field now. ( years ago it was Shea Stadium as I remember it). Lots of new things in this adventure. The train is the "quickest and most comfortable way" to get out there 
-20 min ride-- as compared to the Subway--which would have been extremely crowded and almost doubled our time to get there. The Buchanans did all the "leg work" getting our tickets and actually going to Penn Station to get the train tickets in advance. They are such great people!! We've enjoyed several "adventures" with them!! 'Course we had to have a Hot Dog and some Cracker Jacks-- what's a Baseball Game without those ingredients!! (And they really capitalize on those  'Nostaligia' items--paying some pretty good cash for the food/memory!) We had great seats-- down 3rd base line--7 rows up!! It was a fun night!! NY didn't "fare" too well in the match-up! A 'lousy' 3rd inning put the 
Nationals ahead 9-1--and it never got better!! We left early so as not to be too late getting home-- but the memories were made and we are so glad we could go. The Calls are just 2 weeks away from 
returning to their home in Colorado-- so it was fun to be with them too!! We will truly miss them--
Sister Call has been my mentor in so many aspects of our Temple service and has become a wonderful friend. They both have great leadership skills--but Sister Call is especially good at organization!! It was a fun night and we are blessed for the memory of good times with new and very dear Missionary friends!! We love you and truly wish you the best as you return home-- Bro and Sister Call!!  And THANKS to the Buchanans for making all the arrangements for us!! 

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