Sunday, May 8, 2016


We have heard it said that we are so fortunate to live in this area where there are "culinary masterpiece offerings" by the hundreds!! I say, more accurately, " by the thousands"!! We've hardly been outside our area of Manhattan and yet as we go on walks, we pass sidewalk cafes, eateries, bakeries and more that we have not tried (and maybe never will). My point being that New Yorkers πŸ’•πŸ’• to EAT OUT!! We had heard about some of the bakeries around town (in fact--the night before Easter Sunday--E. Mumford is out trying to find a bakery that has some desserts we could take as our assignment for Easter Dinner with Pres and Sister Bennion. He ends up at the only one close that is still open--but left without purchasing--as the calculated amount (in his head) of what he wanted to buy was just over $30.00--even he didn't go for that!!) and then we hear about 1 Bakery in particular, that touts " best chocolate chip cookie in NYC"-(and just maybe in the World!) and find it is in our area! We've sort of tried to find it--in our walks--only to find that we are "too faraway" at its closing time. ( 7 pm is sort of the 'closing time' for many businesses in our area during the week--including the Post Office and this particular Bakery).  Well last night (May 3rd) we decided to go find "Levains Bakery" at 167 W 74th Street--and we live on 66th. AND it is 6:35 pm. We have 25 minutes to go 8 long blocks at a very "heavy sidewalk" time!! But we're on a "mission" to get a treat for 2 people in our building who need a "treat and a visit"!! So out the door we FLY!! I don't think my legs are meant to stride quite like we did--but we got to 74th Street with 6 minutes to spare--and found this "tiny 'hole in the wall' bakery"-- with people lined up to go down in and people streaming out with sacks and boxes of baked items!! It was incredible!! (It was later that we found out there are usually lines down the sidewalk, too--it's that POPULAR!!) We joined the queue and were truly hoping that someone would not come out and say " Sorry, we're closed--come back tomorrow"! As we descended the steep stairs the overwhelming smell of fresh cookies and rolls and bread hit like a heavenly wave. And then we spotted them--the " famous chocolate chip cookies in NY"--and they are $4.00 EACH!!! Unbelievable!! CHOCOLATE CHIP with Walnuts ( not even pecans?)--so we placed our order for 3 (to  which the guy asks "is that all?"). We get our sack--and it is heavy and warm!!
THE COOKIE--fits in my cupped hand--touching all fingertips and is probably 1-1/2 inches thick at least!!
These delectables ( not sure that's even a word??) have just come out of the oven--and it's CLOSING TIME! WOW!!
Can't wait to get back to our apartment to enjoy the 1 cookie we have purchased for us to share. On our way back we buy some flowers from a street stand to add to our "gift" for Sisters McKenna and Bennion. Back in our place--I am so pleased to report--"this COOKIE did not disappoint!!! Truly it is one of the BEST I've ever ever had!! Maybe a little "too rich" (price-wise and taste😘)-- but oh-so-good!! Levains Bakery--we'll be coming back!!
BUT--side note--our intended recipients did not get their gift last night!! We couldn't get an answer at either door--so they must have retired early (it was just before 8pm--we didn't think that was too 'late' to call)--so we'll deliver today--and they can 'heat and enjoy' another way.
Yet another Adventure in NYC--oh the joy!!"

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