Thursday, May 5, 2016

Gems from scripture studies/and elsewhere

Just thought I'd create a Post with a few "gems" of gospel studies/experiences of late. I am truly seeing/feeling the "strength and blessings of this Latter-day work" like I've never seen/felt it before!

From studying SS lesson on Jacob 5-6 these words really "caught my eye":
President Joseph Fielding Smith said: “There is not anything in this world of as great importance to us as obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us search these scriptures. Let us know what the Lord has revealed. Let us put our lives in harmony with his truth. Then we will not be deceived” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56], 1:301).

Sister M was asked by the Relief Society Presc to teach lesson #8--"Taking the Gospel to All the World" from the "Teachings of President Howard W Hunter" manual. What a joy to prepare!! And the message was so applicable and well-received by one of the most diverse group of women that I have ever had the privilege of teaching!! These women in the Rego Park 1st Ward come from all over--Puerto Rico, Domenican Republic, Korea, Japan, Jamaica, mm just to mention a few areas represented in that RS classroom that Sunday.
The group assembled that day in the Relief Society were the perfect example of the very thing that the Prophet Joseph Smith has said: "In this gospel view there is no room for a contracted, narrow, or prejudicial view (of others)" AND  “Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race” [Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 330–31]. …

Another "thought" from the lesson that sparked a lot of pondering and some discussion:
"What does the Atonement have to do with missionary work? Any time we experience the blessings of the Atonement in our lives, we cannot help but have a concern for the welfare of [others]."
Missionary service is one important way we take upon ourselves his name. The Savior has said if we desire to take upon us his name, with full purpose of heart, we are called to go into all the world and preach his gospel to every creature (see D&C 18:28). …"
Those of us who have partaken of the Atonement are under obligation to bear faithful testimony of our Lord and Savior. … The call to share the gospel with others represents our great love for our Heavenly Father’s children as well as for the Savior and what he did for us. If we have felt the effects of His Redeeming love--we know we must share this Divine Gospel message with others. It was a powerful message to read, teach and discuss!!

Then on Tuesday (May 3, 2016) -- we received this:
An email message from Duke & Kate's home:
"Mitchell made this on Sunday and taped it to the wall right here. It is counting down the #of fast Sundays until you come home."
Now that's a pretty special way of "counting down" a Mission!!---Thanks, Mitchell!!

This was a great message about prayers that really "spoke volumes" to Sister Mumford!! Being so far away from all of you makes prayer that much more essential and a comfort. So grateful the Lord has given us this "avenue" to reach Him.

And I couldn't resist this one--what a great message for ALL--because aren't we all TEACHERS!! (besides--that little girl reminded me of Katie Marie😍).
There is one more thought I want to share. On Tuesday (May 3) a lovely sister comes to do some Initiatory work and I note that she has Family File cards. That's always "extra special" to me! She has just come from the Baptistry and completed (herself being the proxy) the Baptism and Confirmation. She tells me she hasn't been to the Temple in a long time and she is so "excited to do this work for her own family". So I begin and then I notice that there is something " wrong" with the cards--there are XXXX's in the boxes for the remaining ordinances of Initiatory, Endowment and Sealing.   I have to
stop and explain to her that we cannot do the rest of the ordinances on the card because the X's mean, for whatever reason, the work is not "allowed" at this time. ( it could be a number of reasons). She is so DISAPPOINTED!! But In looking through the cards--she does have "other Family File" cards that we can do. She explains " but these are not my family"-- and upon closer examination--I see that they are cards Elder Mumford has been working on! I didn't want to say that they were "my"
cards--so I just said to her " But Sister--these cards are SOMEONE'S Family". She decided to
stay and do those cards (of Ron's) and we had a sweet experience. Then--just yesterday--I was a sealing patron--and Elder Mumford was the Sealer (oh yes, I forgot to tell you all, just a week ago Pres Bennion called Ron and I into his Office and showed him a letter from President Monson-authorizing Elder Mumford to be a Sealer in the New York Manhattan Temple!). As I entered the Sealing room--I could feel something special in that room. Then I participated as a daughter in some sealings--and as I knelt at that Sealing Altar a most amazing feeling encompassed me! Then as I sat back and listened as more names were done, I began to recognize the names that Ron was speaking--the very names just 1 day before had been in that packet of names this dear Sister did in Initiatory for "someone's family"!! The Endowments had been done and Now these "women" were sealed to their family!! I had tears welling up in my eyes and running out the corners and down my face. When we finished My heart was so full and I looked heavenward with joy, love and peace in my heart!!

So those are just a few things that have "brightened our day and lightened our Way!! The Gospel is true and it is Wonderful!!

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