Thursday, May 12, 2016

More Princeton visit photos

Here are some of Elder Mumford's "takes" on our Princeton visit on May 9, 2016 --if I can get them to load! There were lots of great things to take photos of. May 9
Group photo inside the chapel at Princeton, NJ campus

 Princeton, New Jersey is about an hour from New York City via the train. (NJ Transit) We had the opportunity to tour the campus and learn more about the background of the University.  One of our highlights was spending a few hours with the Princeton Library Historical Documents Curator. Not only does the University own one of the largest collection of historical documents, but it also owns the largest collection of LDS historical documents outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. In advance of our trip, the library curator spent two or three days gathering up  LDS documents which normally are not on public display, but are kept in a sealed fault. When we arrived, a special viewing room had been set up specifically for our visit. The curator had  research the history of the church and the relevance of the documents to us. As he made his presentation he sounded like an LDS BYU professor. We not only saw historical originals of the Book of Mormon and many other documents, but we were able to turn the pages and hold the books. It was a real treat. Some of the artifacts were: first Book of Commandments, 1834  rare. First book of Mormon (quite a few copies); first Book of Brands, Brigham's copy (only 4-5 copies exist); migration pattern in stereo optics ; Route from Liverpool to Overland Trail illustration; first edition of Doctrine and Covenants included Lectures on Faith (taken out later), rare .

Page from 100 year Brand Book

Letter from Brigham Young to one of his wives

Page in the 100 year Brand Book--in which we found some "familiar" names dear to our family,

The display of items from Princeton Library "special collections--Mormon items"

There was an Ice Cream shoppe with this mirror from the original amusement park of the 1960's called Palisades Park ( made famous in a song of that era.)

Inside entrance to The Library

Beautiful yards  And more bougenvillia if Pres Bench is right

Elder Mumford in front of Albert Einstein's house.

A more "expensive" curb and gutter

Tunnel filmed in movie "A Beautiful Mind"

Battle of Princeton marker 

Entrance to Nassau Hall 

More interesting brand information--see John Neff mid page 

Check out John Neff's brand close to bottom of page 

Monument honoring George Washington 

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