Sunday, May 29, 2016

A "Night of Hymns" and Saying "Good Bye"-- again!

Monday, May 23, 2016-- It has happened, again!! We are saying "Good Bye" to yet another Senior Couple--Steve and Janean Call. They fly home June 6th--to Arvada, Colorado (Denver area). We have so loved working with them!! Sister Call is "Queen of Laundry"--and that's because she is "first" Sister in the Temple on some of our days--and she goes "straight" to Clothing/Laundry area (sometimes while still in her street clothes) so she can jumpstart what needs to be washed from previous night and get "those machines humming!!). She knows--as I am learning--that you can get "snowed under" with Laundry" if you let it get away from you! And Bro Call is such a kind man with a big heart!! He has a PH.D. in Economics and has taught college and even written some books. They have been so great to work and serve with and we are really going to miss them!!
Pres and Sister Bennion have planned for Senior Missionary couples to have Family Home Evenings  once a month to create an "esprit de corps" among these missionaries--and it's working very well! So this past Monday was also that FHE and this one had a program called "A Night of Hymns". It was organized by Bro Paul and Sister Mindie Rogers, who are the Activity Planners at this time among our Missionary Group (and do a fantastic job!). Eight from our Group were contacted and asked to take 5 or so minutes and share a favorite hymn and some insight as to why it is special to them. Each one was so interesting and most were accompanied by a personal experience to illustrate the reason it has become a "favorite". Then following each presentation there was either a video clip of that hymn or our group joined in singing the hymn. Here is the list of participants and their hymns:

 These are those that participated. It was very interesting and touching!

Now I will post some pictures of their songs/scriptures and pictures that made up the Hand-out Program each couple received

Pres Bennion's selection--he knows Crawford Gates personally. He is 94 years 'young' and Pres Bennion called him the day of the program/gathering to talk about this Hymn--and told us that he (Crawford Gates) is still quite sharp and remembers the time he spent at Rick's College as part of the Faculty while Pres Bennion was President of the College (circa'91-'97). The Adminstration decided there should be a Sacred Hymn and Secular Music class/symposium and asked Bro Gates to be a part of it. He agreed and this song was a part of that and it was a very special time for Pres Bennion and the Music Dept. Crawford Gates was/is an extremely talented music composer and friend.

This was Sister Melba (Akagi) Grimley's choice.  She talked of all the people who have "touched" 
her life--her Grandmother that lived with her family and friends in school who really helped her find 
strength in the Gospel.  Many of those friends have either passed away or fallen away from the 
Church--which makes her so sad. But she's ever grateful for what they did for her.

Pres Roberts' choice. He remembered very well Jesse Evans Smith--the 2nd wife of Pres Joseph Fielding Smith and her being a member of the Tab Choir and the fact that this song was pretty much "her song" and shared a recording of her singing this Hymn.

A favorite of Bro David Colton--helping him in many dark hours as he faced trials in his life. It was quite interesting to note that this very Hymn was the one that the 6 Sister Missionaries serving at the Priesthood Restoration site sang for our Group to begin our Tour at that site on May 16, 2016. They 
were like a little band of "angelic voices"-- oh so beautiful!! The Colton's were not with us that day--so he had no idea until we shared it with him after this Night of Hymns. 

This was a favorite of Sister Dorothy Bench, Assistant Matron of the Manhattan Temple, as her 
husband, Pres Mark Bench is a Counselor to Pres Bennion and will become the new New York Mamhattan Temple this coming Nov, 2016. The chorus of this Hymn lifts it to an "angelic realm" . She accompanied us on the piano as we majestically.sang this Hymn together.

Sister Shellie Harris shared her reasons for this Hymn becoming one of her favorites. She told of a time when she was caring for her aging parents and faced with many hard decisions about that care 
and time.their care was taking. She said that the words in the 1st verse "keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see, the distant scene--one step enough for me." Was just what she said she needed to "hear" and she knew that the Lord was guiding the things that needed to be done in her family.  Beautiful message!!

This was Bro Mumford's choice.--"For the Strength of the Hills". Here is an excerpt of what he wrote to some of you in regard to this Hymn.
" I came across the original text that indicates our own Italian Waldensians protected by the Piedmont, were viewed as the the forerunners of the Pioneers . . . protected by the Rockies. 

The author of the text of Hymn 35 is Felicia Dorothea Hemans. She is British but her maternal grandfather was a wine importer named Wagner whose roots were in Venice. (I wonder if her 
GGGrandfather's last name might be Cardone, Toronto, Cella, or Camberlango or Faverro--some Italian "faithful" that I am blessed to know.) 

It is also meaningful to consider the words in the original text and Hymn 35 in the context that the real Strength of the hills is the Lord, or the Strength of the hills, as His Hill or His House, in relation to other hills or buildings - consistent with Psalms 95 and referenced in Hymn 35. "

He also shared how this Hymn was sung at the Mission Report of Gaylin and Edna Fuller--who also served as Temple Missionaries in the New York Manhattan Mission--and whom many present at this Night of Hymns would still remember very well. Upon returning home from their meeting that day back in Dec of 2015, Ron looked up the word "Manhattan" and found it was an Indian name  meaning "island of many hills". Indeed, Central Park does have "many hills of Granite" evident throughout the many acres (433) that make up this wonderful green space in the heart of this bustling megalopolis. We were both especially moved by the words of the 4th verses, but before sharing those words, he asked those there to consider these thoughts:
     1. "The strength of the hills" comes from the Psalms 95--"the strength of the hills is His (the Lord's") and how he (Ron) had pondered if it was an inspired teaching about "Hills" referring to Temples--the Houses of the Lord.
     2. Light is an all important Symbol of every temple.
     3. Each temple is a place of quiet or even 'silence'--especially noted in our Manhattan Temple--in
the Dedicatory Prayer: "may this Temple  be a place of quiet refuge in the midst of this great and busy metropolis."
      4. Temples lift eyes to the sky--toward Heaven.
      5. Courage  in the Lord--brings Full-time Missionaries to serve here. And a loving Temple Presidency, to leave comforts and family for eternal reasons. It is also a virtue  in the Patrons who
sacrifice on Saturdays, or who leave profitable desks/areas of employment to "Savior" on Mt. Zion.
       6. The reference to "rod"-- surely refers to God's word changing us--as we heed it.
       7.  At the end, this verse references not only our God to whom our hearts are turned, but to our fathers whose hearts are likewise turned.
The words to this 4th verse:
                   "We are watchers of a beacon Whose light must never die; We are Guardians of an altar  'Midst the silence of the sky. Here the rocks yield founts of courage,  Struck forth as by thy rod;  For the strength of the hills we bless thee, Our God, our fathers' God."
Such a moving message for us as we serve daily in this beautiful House of the Lord!!

This Hymn was a favorite of Sister Kathy Thompson. She is a single Senior Missionary serving here , a widow of about 10 years. She has shared with me (Carol) how it has taken a lot of courage to leave "her comfort zone" and come by herself to serve this Mission. I am in awe at those who do "come alone" as I know how much I rely and depend on Elder Mumford for so many things--each and every day!!  
Her choice of this Hymn "I Believe in Christ" was in part due to her experience with the counsel and words she received (indirectly--but directly for her) from Elder Bruce R McConkie. She had experienced 2 miscarriages--both quite far into her pregnancies--and was told she could never have another child (she did not share the exact reasons). She did have other children--but was very distraught that her "especial desire in her whole life was to be a Mother". She said she could not be consoled--though many tried--some being sympathetic, others being "harsh and critical".  It was a man in her Ward who finally got in to see Elder Mc Conkie because of his great concern for Sister Thompson and brought her words of comfort and solace in her extreme time of need. She said they "snapped me out of my mood" and back into life. She loves both the message of this song and its author very much. Her words were followed by a "recording" of Elder McConkie's last "testimony" given in April Conference 1985--just days before he passed away. That will always be such a powerful reminder of the man we were blessed to have as a Prophet, Seer, Revelatory and servant of the Lord in this Dispensation of time.

Our many thanks to those who planned this night and who helped in preparing and sharing such wonderful Hymns and thoughts.
Here are a few more pics of the night: 

Our wonderful group
From l-r (front) Pres & Sis Bennion, Pres & Sis Roberts, Sis Janean Call, Bro Steve Call, Sis Bench & Pres Bench
(back) the Buchanans, Sis Harris,(Bro Harris was ill)  the Coltons, the Mumfords, the Hansens, the Rogers, the Adams (new FH Missionaries), the Martinezs, the Lewis', Sis Wilson, Sis Thompson, the Dransfields , the Grimley's (Bro Grimley always has a 'spot' on the end as he sets up the camera on a timer and 'slips in' for the pic) 

These were the "participants" on the Program
Front row l-r-- Ron Mumford, Melba Grimley, Kathy Thompson, Pres Bennion,
Back row--l-r--David Colton, Sis Dorothy Bench, Shellie Harris, Pres Roberts

Truly an "Evening" to be remembered for a long time. Proof of the importance of good and righteous  music in our lives and its power to elevate and help us.
D & C 25:12
"For my soul delights th in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads" 

At the end of the Program we sang two "departing" songs for Bro and Sis Call-- "Go in Peace" ( kind of becoming the 'signature song' for this Missionary group-- and a real "tear jerker") and then the Hymn "God Be With You 'Til we Meet Again" .  We will truly miss Elder and Sister Call. The couple replacing them comes in on June 17th or so--Elder and Sister Holloway. We'll be anxious to Welcome them into Service!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Yet ANOTHER FIRST--New York Mets v Washington Nationals Baseball Game

May 19, 2016-- We went to our "first" Major League Baseball Game in New York-- out to Citi Field to see the New York Mets play. One of our Temple Missionaries, Robert Buchanan, is a real Mets fan-- as is our Temple President, Steven Bennion. So Bro Buchanan sent out an invitation to any of us who are on the Temple morning shift to take in a game before we switch to the evening shift. There were 3 couples who went--us, the Buchanans and the Calls. Pres Bennion would have really loved to have gone--but he and Sister Bennion had the "early" Temple duty that morning--where they open the Temple early (5:00 am) to prepare for early sessions and Baptistry appointments)-- which means they get up about 3:30 or so. So they were extremely tired as their schedule was so full--they didn't even get a nap after they left the Temple at 2:30 pm that afternoon. So he didn't think it would be very wise to try to go with us in the evening.--but his "heart" was with us!!!
Our "Mets Fan Group"l-r--Mumfords, Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan and Steve and Janean Call

Look at all those Subway cars!! Is this where they come at night, to sleep??!!!

This stadium is pretty good sized

Walking in toward Citi Field from the LIRR 

Bro Steve Call and Bro Bob Buchanan in their "New York" hats 

The "view" from our seats--right down 3rd baseline 

Elder Mumford " taking a picture"  of Sister Mumford taking a picture of the Arthur Ash Tennis Stadium at Flushing Meadows, NY--where the US Open is played each year. It's in the same general area as Citi Field

We took the 1 Subway to Penn Station where we got on the LIRR (Long Island RailRoad line) out to 
the Ball park-- which is called Citi Field now. ( years ago it was Shea Stadium as I remember it). Lots of new things in this adventure. The train is the "quickest and most comfortable way" to get out there 
-20 min ride-- as compared to the Subway--which would have been extremely crowded and almost doubled our time to get there. The Buchanans did all the "leg work" getting our tickets and actually going to Penn Station to get the train tickets in advance. They are such great people!! We've enjoyed several "adventures" with them!! 'Course we had to have a Hot Dog and some Cracker Jacks-- what's a Baseball Game without those ingredients!! (And they really capitalize on those  'Nostaligia' items--paying some pretty good cash for the food/memory!) We had great seats-- down 3rd base line--7 rows up!! It was a fun night!! NY didn't "fare" too well in the match-up! A 'lousy' 3rd inning put the 
Nationals ahead 9-1--and it never got better!! We left early so as not to be too late getting home-- but the memories were made and we are so glad we could go. The Calls are just 2 weeks away from 
returning to their home in Colorado-- so it was fun to be with them too!! We will truly miss them--
Sister Call has been my mentor in so many aspects of our Temple service and has become a wonderful friend. They both have great leadership skills--but Sister Call is especially good at organization!! It was a fun night and we are blessed for the memory of good times with new and very dear Missionary friends!! We love you and truly wish you the best as you return home-- Bro and Sister Call!!  And THANKS to the Buchanans for making all the arrangements for us!! 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Priesthood Restoration site--Outing for Missionaries

Monday, May 16, 2016--(very early--6:00 am😦) found 10 Senior Missionary couples and 2 Single Sisters, gathering in the Lobby downstairs in our Apartment bldg so we can travel b the Priesthood Restoration site in what we have always referred to as Harmony, Pennsylvania. But it has been changed to Oakland Township, PA-- and it has confused some of us😩--as you'll see later on in this Post.
Here are some pics from the day--
Group photo by the Susquehanna River
Beautiful entrance to the Priesthood Restoration site in what is Harmony, PA--but has been changed to Oakland Township, PA

Elder and Sister Mumford

Down by the Susquehanna River

The Susquehanna River

🎶On Lovely Susquehanna's Banks,. . . "

🎶On Lovely Susquehanna's Banks. . . " with Elder and Sister Mumford and Victor Kyle Mumford

Elder and Sister Mumford

Cemetery headstones of Emma Smith's parents Isaac and Elizabeth Hale 

Infant son of Joseph and Emma Smith buried in Cemetery 

Inside Joseph and Emma's home with Kyle and Sachi, Emma and Hiro and Grammy and Papa 

Two Sister Missionaries at this site--Sisters Walker and Cheret 

Isaac and Elizabeth Hale home (in the background)

Joseph and Emma Smith home 

This is "how" Grammy (aka Sister Mumford) reacts to her "surprise visitors--Kyle and Sachi and Emma and Hiro at the Priesthood Restoration site. They had to drive over 5 hrs to be there!! I was in "shock"-- to say the least!!


Such Cuties--Hiro and Emma 

Elder and Sister Mumford

Visitor's Center 

Inside the Visitor's Center at the Priesthood Restoration Site in Oakland Township (Harmony )Pennsylvania

Continuing the narrative from the start of this Post:
We drove to Englewood, NJ to a chapel where we linked up with Bro David Bean, CES Director and some other CES Senior Missionaries and then made our way to the site. We arrived at about 10:00 am and were welcomed by an Elder Walker and 6 of the loveliest Sister Missionaries ever!! We went to the Chapel and listened to a Sister Woodland, a Senior Missionary, former Ricks College girls' Basketball Coach and author of the book, Beloved Emma. She told us of things she learned about
Emma Hale Smith, beloved wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of her and Joseph's meeting and early life in that area of Harmony, PA. Some of her comments helped me to see Emma in a more sympathetic and softer light of a wife who loved and believed in the mission that Joseph had embarked on. They endured some real trials there not the least of having to bury their first-born baby boy and life threats from people in the area who demanded to see the gold plates. They accomplished the translating of the Book of Mormon mostly there in Harmony and were forced to move to the Peter Whitmer home in Fayette, NY to complete that  translation.
After Sister Woodland we heard a few remarks from the CES Director at Penn State about the
translation work of this wonderful book. Then we watched a very moving and powerful movie about those things that took place in this area of Church History-- besides the work of translation--the Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by John the Baptist with the Prophet Joseph and Oliver Cowdrey being ordained to that Priesthood by John the Baptist and then these 2 brethren baptizing each other in the Susquehanna River on May 15, 1829--just 187 years ago almost to the day!! Also the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored to the earth by ancient apostles, Peter, James and John.  I gained such an overwhelming confirmation of the importance of this site and the things that transpired here. We were told that the significance of this area is further enhanced by the fact that
there are 2 places that are "dedicated" by the Apostles in these latter days--temples and Church historic sites. They are "bookends" in that they represent "the beginning" (Church historic sites) and "the end" (temples, as the culmination of this great work). That was very insightful to me. Then we were divided into groups and left the Chapel to begin our "tour" of the homes of the Hales (Emma
Smith's family home) and the home of Joseph and Emma Smith. Our group was the last to leave the Chapel-- we came down the hall and were told to gather at the entrance. I turned and the absolute SWEETEST SURPRISE I could have ever hoped for was right there--a little Hiro in a stroller and Emma atop her Daddy Kyle's shoulders and Sachi with her camera taking pics of this Grammy in
tears!! They had driven 5.5 hours from Erie, PA to see us!! I could not believe it!! We had talked
about meeting them--but that was before we realized that the Harmony, PA THAT IS 1.5 hours from Erie IS NOT the same place as this Priesthood Restoration site we were at today. So  --after clarifying that last night--we "scrapped" the visit. Or so we (Elder M and I thought). Kyle and Sachi left last
night to drive those hours to this site and rented a hotel in Binghampton--about 7 miles from our
meeting. I could not get enough of those kiddos!! Hiro didn't know what to do with this lady with
sunglasses who kept mugging him (but eventually he warmed up to me and actually GAVE ME A KISS at the end) and little Emma repeated over and over "I yuv you" followed by kisses. It was the
BEST!! They toured the sites with us and the 2 Sister Missionaries--Sister Walker from Billings, MT and Sister Cheret, from Idaho Falls, ID, who were so dear!! They shared their testimonies of this latter-day work and some of the details of things that happened in those homes that have been restored to this site. We then went to the Cemetery where Emma's parents, Issac and Elizabeth Hale are buried along with the infant son of Joseph and Emma. After a group photo in front of the Visitor's Center-- we went down to the Susquehanna River (which U really wanted to see) and then headed into town. Kyle and Sachi had lunch with our group at a little restaurant in town and then we had to say good by. 😥😂😩 So many in our group came over to meet them and we were so happy to have them there!! It has been a very good day and we feel so blessed to have been able to go and experience the beautiful spirit at this most sacred site. Our thanks to Bro Bean for inviting us and to Elder and Sister Rogers from our Temple Group for organizing us!!

Temple Presc' members and Temple Recorder from l to r--Fritz Kopening, Pres and Sister Bench, Sister and Pres Bennion

Items used in Translation of Book of Mormon 

Group photo in front of Priesthood Restoration site--these are "casts" of the original statues of the Restoration of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood statues that are on Temple Square in SLC, UT 

Looking at Joseph and Emma Smith's home from different angle

Oh what a wonderful day!!