Monday, May 15, 2017

The Cloisters Museum--Missionary Activity--April 17, 2017

I am really "backtracking" as I am recording all of the wonderful activities and good times we have had here during the month of April 2017.  As part of our "assignment" as Temple Missionaries' Activities Planners--we line up things to do and see in the NYC area, calendar these activities and then we have decided to "enlist" the help of another couple to help "carry out" that activity, if we can. We "calendered" this activity to the Cloisters Museum and then asked Elder Paul and Sister Mar Jean Lewis to plan and carry it out. They DID A GREAT JOB! We had wonderful attendance and the Guide that they arranged for us was excellent--so knowledgeable and efficient.
The Met presents over 5,000 years of art from around the world for everyone to experience and enjoy. The Museum lives in three iconic sites in New York City—The Met Fifth Avenue, The Met Breuer, and The Met Cloisters. Millions of people also take part in The Met experience online.
Since it was founded in 1870, The Met has always aspired to be more than a treasury of rare and beautiful objects. Every day, art comes alive in the Museum's galleries and through its exhibitions and events, revealing both new ideas and unexpected connections across time and across cultures.
The Met Cloisters, located on four acres overlooking the Hudson River in northern Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park, is the branch of the Museum dedicated to the art, architecture, and gardens of medieval Europe. Deriving its name from the medieval cloisters that form the core of the building, it presents a harmonious and evocative setting for more than 2,000 exceptional artworks and architectural elements from the medieval West.

Here are some of the pics taken on that day at this museum:

The "Walk" leading up to the Museum was just beginning to bloom. 

Beautiful gardens on the path to the Cloisters

Our Missionary Group for this outing 
L-R: Back row:  Elder & Sister  Kent & Barbara Heideman,  Sister  Kathy Nabors, Sis Mumford, Elder Mumford,  Elder Paul Lewis, 
-Mid row: Pres. Bean, Elder Richard Holloway, Pres Bench, Elder & Sister John & Shellie Harris, Sister & Elder Diane & Golden Adams, Elder Mark Dransfield, Elder Tom Hanson,
 Elder Brent Richards 
 Front row: Sister Elaine Holloway, Sister Dorothy Bench, Elder & Sister Tim and DeEtte McKenna, Sister Susan Dransfield, Elder & Sister Serge & Linda Martinez, Sister Liz Hanson, 
Sister Mary Ann Richards 

Miniature Gothic boxes--hand carved with such intricate detail 

These tapestries were preserved from about 1300 A.D.  They were found as "wrappings" for other artifacts that were being preserved from that era. They are in incredibly great shape for something not being very carefully preserved. The tapestries tell stories, with lots of symbolism, about the mythical unicorn and the "healing" powers it has. Very interesting and intriguing to study. 

Examples of stained glass windows of the medevial time period 

Many "representations"of Mary and the Christ child 
This room had several different sculptures of the Madonna

The Crucifixion was also represented in different rooms in this gallery. It is amazing to see these works so well-preserved 

The Courtyard Garden between the different "rooms" of the Cloisters Museum. We had such a wonderful time there and enjoyed this Group Activity so much. There are truly "treasures" hidden inside these marvelous museums and we need but to go "inside the doors" to discover them.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Bob and Penny Wright family come to NYC☄️!!

When we received this Mission Call in Sept 2015--Ron was still working at LSB and he saw Bob Wright almost daily. After things had "settled down" for us and we were going through our lists of "get done before you leave" --and Ron was sharing with our friends and family that in our apartment in New York though it was only a 1-bedroom apt--we did have, we were told, a very "nice" sofa-sleeper and several missionaries had "inflatable mattresses that could be borrowed when company came to visit. He encouraged those who wanted to come--to stay with us--it seems it was OK with our Temple President eat all. So Bob approached him and asked if he and Penny and some of their family planned a trip to NYC--could they stay a few days with us? SURE!! And so the plans began and on April 22, 2017--the Wrights (Bob, Penny and 2 daughters, Sarah and Holly) flew into NYC and rented a car and drove immediately to Palmyra, NY for  a few days. Then they came to NYC on Monday, April 24th and began the rest of their NY Adventure with the Mumfords. We, of course, had our Temple duties--so we could only do things with them at night. So we met them for pizza at Patsy's--well-known in NY for great pizza. It had rained most of the day--so they decided that morning it was a Museum Day. But they were hoping to get to both the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (aka The Met). Well--the AMNH is huge and quite hard to find your way around inside--so the Wrights spent a lot of time "finding each other"-- which ate up their day. So--no Metropolitan Art for them. The next day they took the STATEN ISLAND ferry ( which is free) and it went out around the Statue of Liberty--so they got to see it without incurring any cost or lines. Pretty smart way to see something so iconic to NY. Then they went to the area of 9/11 but got a little "lost" so they didn't have too much time there for they had Matinee tickets to see 'Wicked' and truly wanted to be ON TIME to that. Well--they were--just barely! After the play--we met up with them to take in Ellen's Stardust Diner--famous for it's singing Broadway "wannabes" Wait staff. It was great--they performed so many songs we knew--it was FUN!! We then " wandered" around the Downtown area--showing them the M & M store, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, Grand Central Station, and locating the Empire State Building. Fun night, great weather and a good group to be with. On the way home-----we stopped for some great New York cheesecake samples from Europan and enjoyed that in our apartment. Next morning, Bob and Penny went to do a Temple session and left Sarah and Holly to sleep in. Then they left  to return home via JFK Airport. It was great to have them here and we loved it!!!
Inside Grand Central Station

At Ellen's Stardust Diner

In the famous 'corner' in GC Station where you can hear the person across the way--talking in a normal voice and range

Holly really got into "Good Morning, Baltimore!" From Hairspray

The Wrights (L-R) Bob, Penny, Holly, me and Sarah with Empire State Building in the background 

Inside the Diner listening/watching a WaitStaff member singing her song 

We sure enjoyed the Wright family!! So glad you could come to NYC🍎 for a visit. Didn't get to see EVERYTHING?? You'll have to COME BACK!!!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Marcus visits over Easter weekend

We had a treat for Easter-- Marcus "quasi-surprised us with a week-end visiit to the Big🍎--where he used to work several years ago.  He had business in town and we were delighted to see him!! He got into the City 'bout 8:00 am and ״craashed" in our apartment while we did our service in the temple until we met up and went downtown with him for an interview with a PBS documentary programmer called Frontline. They are producing a program to air mid-May about the Bundy family and their dealings with the Federal Government over land-use and Government "over-reach" of such land-use. Marcus represented Ammon Bundy in a case in Oregon regarding a "take-over" of a Gov owned bird refuge. Frontline is hopefully trying to tell both sides of this matter and the "underlying current" of discontent of those whose land is being affected.
After we finished there--we went in search of a pizzeria voted #2 in the Nation, called "John's of Bleeker Street". We walked through villages of Chelsea and Greenwich that I had not been before. Beautiful calm Springtime night!! Marcus kept saying how 'rejuvenating' it was to be here in New York and seeing some familiar places he used to go.
Outside "John's of Bleeker Street" ( sounds more like a London pub than a NYC Pizzeria)

Up on the Roof of our Apt building

Central Park just starting to "burst into color"

The Obelisk--erected in Egypt in 1200 BC -- now found in CP 

We "think" we found the tree that Marcus "trimmed" with a chainsaw 'cause the limb kept " getting in the way of the frisbee game"

What a wonderful time to be together!! 

How can it be APRIL--already???

April has "rolled in" and General Conference is already passed and EASTER is just around the corner.
We got this "delightful email" a few mornings ago:
Grab your cameras and get to Central Park before the next storm blows them away.
Chicken Little

This is actually Elder Terry Grimley's email!! He is a runner and runs almost every day in Central Park (some people are so dedicated) and he gave us this "heads up"!! Thanks, Terry!!

So-o-o. We did, sorta
These are pics of 5 "separate, different" trees/areas of Central Park. So, yah--the trees are blossoming!!!


Don't know any of these people--but they were standing in front of this "gorgeous collection of blossoms"-- so they got in my pic!!

So the days went by after the announcement and we just couldn't "Find our Way" for a walk in the Park. So Friday, April 28, 2017--with Friday being our "late" morning to be to Temple at 11:00--I set off early to find the Gardens ( on my own--risky😉) at 6.:45 am. Ron had "mapped" out my route and I even have a Central Park App on my phone. But, alas, I still got "lost", sorta, and finally by going up 5th Avenue--I entered the Conservatory Gardens through the Vanderbilt gate. I first saw the Fountain and went to the English gardens first.
Vanderbilt Gate 

The Fountain 

Garden layout 

English Gardens

Love the "contrast" of the green hedge against the colorful flowers

Tulips are some of my favorites

The next stop I made in the Gardens was at the Versailles Gardens, opposite of where I started out. These flowers were a little "disappointing" to me, as last years' were such vibrant beautiful colors of purple, pink and red. Now this years" are salmon and white. I also think I was "after" the peak--and the flowers had been hit by rain for a day or so. But still--impressive that you can get huge Gardens to BLOOM at the same time!! 
The "North Gate" to the Gardens aka The Emily Mumford Gate. She was a Sociologist known for her work on the effect of psychotherapy in lowering later medical care costs. A professor at Columbia University and died in 1987 from complications of a brain tumor. 

Looking out of North Gate--picturesque scene across the lake 

Sculpture in the Italian-designed garden 

On my way to the Conservatory Gardens--I got a little "lost"-- but it was worth it--as I discovered a Swedish Marionette Cottage with these garden patches all around it 

I'm "terrible" at selfies!!

I could have pulled up a lounge chair and stayed here all day. Secluded, beautiful and quiet

I "returned" to my path that led me out of the Park. What a glorious morning--but I was "Dead-tired" as I made my way down Central Park West Avenue From 86th  St to 66th Street. After going  just under 6 miles-- I arrived home 2hrs 45 min after I set out. But I made it to see one of my favorite spots in Central Park!

BUT--look at what Logan Temple grounds have to offer--complimented by Cailin Celine Mumford in the foreground.  (She is on a Daddy-Daughter date with her Dad, Brad)

There's more pics of our beautiful Central Park . . .  to come!!