Sunday, March 26, 2017

March's "this 'n that's" way out here

The experiences of serving a Temple Mission are quite "unique" and I say that, first, for want of a better word, and second, because while there are such wonderful things that have happened, I must choose carefully those things I can share thru this blog.  Having said that, I want to share just a few of my thoughts and an experience or two of late.
One area that I get to serve in quite regularly is Initiatory or the "first part" of the Endowment ordinance. It is an area where you are one-on-one with a patron, and she either has her "own" family file names or you have a list of 5 Temple file names. It's an area where you can truly feel the spirit if there is reverence as the blessings are pronounced. There are certain times in the day we workers have to close the Initiatory area, in many instances because we are "low" on workers, or we are needed elsewhere. A few weeks ago, we were helping a patron and it was close to the time of the shift change where morning workers leave for the day and the evening workers break for a quick bite to eat before their Prayer meeting. Well we had a patron who was "finishing" a list of Temple file names that had been started earlier that day but not completed. It was close to that 5:00 pm "shift change/break" time. We workers had all but decided to stop before the last name was done and then "pick" it up later and finish that last name. The patron paused, looked at me and said "I think we should finish now if we can" and a hush came over us all. I looked at the other worker and she nodded "yes" and we continued with that last name. From start to finish I could feel a sweet spiritual experience developing and by the time we were finished--we were all weeping. So so sweet!! It was as if that last name had been put down 2x and she did NOT want to be forgotten again. I immediately thought of Pres Dieter Uchdorft's conference message from last October called, "Forth floor, Last Door"--about 2 valiant missionaries who didn't "quit" before they had finished knocking on doors in the apartment building where his wife, Harriet, lived as a young girl. Her family's "door" was the last one on that floor--and had the missionaries "quit" knocking due to time and discouraging results, her family may not have met the missionaries and heard the Gospel message. That's how I felt that day--that last name had been waiting and she didn't want to be "lost" again!! So grateful for the "workings" of the Spirit that can guide us into accomplishing the wonderful work within the Temple walls.

March 1 Chosen People Ministries- Final Restoration of Israel
During our mission, we have learned about Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, and Reform Jews. Recently, we came into contact with Messianic Jews; Jews who believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Son of God. Messianic Jews are Christians, but they retain their heritage and traditions as Jews. Messianic congregations, for example, use Jewish forms of worship. They meet in synagogues on the Shabbat (Sabbath) and use Hebrew in their worship. They follow the Jewish calendar and read the weekly Parsha Readings from the Torah. They celebrate all the Jewish holidays. Simply put, they are Jews who believe Jesus is the Christ.We listened to professor, author, and lecturer Dr. Fruchtenbaum who spoke on the Final Restoration of Israel. His knowledge of the scriptures was amazing. We went with some of those we've studied Hebrew with and some went back a second lecture. It was quite an interesting evening. This man knew so much!! Almost toward the end of his presentation, he was really "zeroing in" on some things that even I was getting excited to hear him say--and Ron (EMumford) slapped his own knee and said, "He's got it"--audibly enough for me to hear--and then he almost started to clap for the Professor--but I but I stopped him. He said it was just so exciting to hear a Jew--any type--come so close to preaching and acknowledging some of what has happened and what we are waiting to happen before Jesus Christ comes the Second time. Ron went up after the lecture finished and talked to this Professor --introducing himself as a member of the Church. Prof Fruchtenbaum told Ron he had read the Book of  Mormon- but, because he had not found any other writing that was in Reformed Egyptian., he could not/would not say the Book of Mormon is a true book. Nor could he say it was translated by a Prophet of God. End of discussion. Susan Dransfield, a Public Affairs Missionary, said after the meeting, "I just want to take that man and start teaching him the Gospel--he is so 'close' to the truth!!--the fullness." It was a very interesting night.Ron wanted to go back the 3rd night (we had been to a lecture the night before Prof Fruchtenbaum, given by another very impressive man on the writings and prophecies of Ezekiel) but I made him go to a New York Philharmonic Concert, which we "endured" the first half to quite enjoy Mahler's music in the 2nd half. Oh the "trade offs" we make!!

Since it has turned into MARCH--it seemed time to take my Christmas Tree Display of all 31 Grandchildren --down-- and find another way to display them. Thanks to Missy Mumford's suggestion--a new way has been found. Now I am waiting for Kate and Duke's family visit to get help putting the finishing touches on this wall display! Can't wait to see them!!

Other things "happening" in March included a visit to the American Natural History Museum (the one where the movie "Night at the Museum", starring Ben Stiller was filmed) and visited the "Butterfly Discovery" special exhibit. It was so fascinating!! Ron even had them "land" on his head.

March also brought more "wonderful visitors" as Dave and Joyce Pierson came to New York and spent some great time with us. Oh how we LOVEđź’•đź’•visitors!! Thanks so much for coming, Dave and Joyce!!

At entrance inside American Museum of Natural History with Dave and Joyce Pierson

Dave and Joyce Pierson from our apartment rooftop in Manhattan, NY

Outside Le Vain's Bakery, waiting to eat the "most famous chocolate chip cookie with walnuts" in the World!!
Atop the One World Trade Center Observatory 
Carol Mumford, Joyce Pierson, Ron Mumford and Dave Pierson

 Below are 4 pics from our Group Missionary Outing to the American Natural History Museum on Monday, March 20, 2017, which Elder & Sister Mumford were in charge of planning and guiding. We had several who thanked us for our efforts. Unfortunately, that is also the day that Sister Mumford's cell phone was stolen and marred that day and all the work to put it together!! We also "Thank" Elder Ric Huntington, our resident Gemologist (owner of a fine jewelry store in Las Vegas. NV) for his sharing of information with us in the Gems and Minerals area of the Museum.

Elder  Huntington sharing his knowledge of gems 

Our Group as we begin our "Museum Tour" 

Our tour of Chinatown -- a special lunch at the Golden Unicorn -- truly an "Adventure in Eating"!!
"Dim Sum" is an adventure in eating. Servers push little carts through your dining area and you "look and choose" the ones you like--so fun!!

" Dim Sum lunch" at the Golden Unicorn with Bro Tran 

Honored man who rid China of the Opiate trade

Bro Tran--a Temple ordinance worker, giving us his insights into Chinatown

That was a very cold day to be "sightseeing outside" but we learned some interesting things about Chinatown that day. Thanks, Bro Tran!!

Now we are so anxiously awaiting the visit of Duke and Kate Mumford and " the whole gang " who are coming the last week of March!! So so excited to see them!!!

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