Thursday, November 24, 2016

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. . . I cannot believe I am here, in Person!!!

Here is part of a message I sent one of our kids when they asked "How was the Parade?"
Oh my gosh!! I could not believe I was really there!! We had the BEST SEATS!! Dad and 2 other Missionaries went down  at 4:30 am( just a block from our apartment) and took chairs we had collected from the other Missionaries--and saved 40 seats--roping them off with police tape. And then a few other Missionaries came and relieved them at 6:30 am. (I even had a guy in the Parade come by and say "How'd you get such great seats??--to which I responded--husband came down at 4:30 am to save them!! To which he responded "What a man!!"-- to which I nodded and gave a "thumbs up!!"). Then at 7:30 am Dad came back and helped me carry down the hot cocoa and cinnamon rolls I had made for the group and everyone we had saved seats for arrived by 8:30 am. The parade started RIGHT ON TIME-- 9:00 am-- and since we were pretty close to the starting ( I think it was about 72nd St) we were done by 11:15 am and hauling things back to our apartment building.  THE parade went for 2.5 miles--ending in front of the huge Macy's store (the largest Macy's in the World--9 floors) downtown on 34th Street. It was full of marching bands (one from Texas had 451 band members which includes drum corps, flag twirlers, drill team and those who play instruments) and dance teams, floats and the huge balloons this parade is so famous for. It takes about 25-40 people to walk with each ballon character--beneath it with guide strings tethered to it--to keep it floating and moving--all dressed up in clothing "promoting" the balloons character. AMAZING!! There is NO CANDY THROWN--only confetti--which I  am still picking out of my hair!!  I took so many pics--it overloaded my photo storage and I had to delete some in order to get Santa and his sleigh ( the very last entry in the parade) among my pics!! So fun!! Quite a MEMORY for sure!!

Now I'll share just a few pics--(OK--maybe a few more than just a few😘)  that reminded me of all the things I remember about this parade as I watched it just a few times when I was young. (Grandpa Goff did not like to "tie up the TV" with a silly parade🙄♥️!!)

Ron and Carol after all the Parade work is done !!
My hands are FROZEN--from taking so many pictures!

Parade theme this year is "BELIEVE"

One of our wonderful Temple Missionaries-
Tim McKenna and his family 

Dad trying to stay warm 

The corner of 66th St and Central Park West Avenue (our  location )

This little gal had a "bird's Eye view for a perch" 

What would starting off Christmas Season be without Charlie Brown??

Hello, Sesame Street 

Paddington  Bear 

Someone behind us shouted out "that Guy's gotta be a NUT to dress up Iike that"!!

It's not a Green Ranger--but this one's for Porter Wilde--Go Power Rangers!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles--to the Rescue 


Hello, Kitty!!


Did I mention that this parade is Macy's 90th Anniversary Parade?! 


Had to get this one of Angry Birds--for Pierson  Ielo Mumford!!

From "Ice Age" 

And this one's for J. Ray  Mumford

Welcome to Central Park 

That's Tony Bennett--famous singer in the 50's and 60's. He turned  90 this year and was invited to be a part of this 90th year of Macy's celebration

SANTA ARRIVES!! He marks the End of the Parade and will exit the float on 34th  Street at Macy's Grand Entrance !! 

Merry Christmas, Santa!! 
Welcome to Christmas in New York City!!

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